How To Dust Feeders


Chameleon Enthusiast
I’ve noticed quite a few people have been incorrectly dusting their feeders, so I figured I’d make this thread on how to properly dust them. First off, every feeder should be dusted, not just one or two. Second, only dust right before feeding your cham, not when you get the feeders. And also have a dusting container, whether it be a bag, jug, cup, or reptile duster container. And third, put some supplement in your container (the care sheets here have schedules for your cham’s species on when to give certain supplements), and shake up the container until all feeders are lightly dusted (lightly covered completely in the supplement), then feed. You must also gutload your feeders with either organic fresh fruits and veggies (under the food and nutrition tab in resources, there’s a gutload list), a specific diet for that type of feeder (stick insects, hornworms, silkworms, etc.), and/or a quality commercial gutload, like Pangea, Cricket Crack, Mazuri, Repashy, etc. (not Fluker’s, Nature Zone, Cricket Cubes, etc.)- and make sure to water your feeders also, with either organic fresh fruits and veggies (you can also purée them and add them to unflavored gelatin to make little feeding cubes), water crystals/gel, cotton balls soaked in water, or turning your commercial gutload into a paste (following the packaging’s instructions). Thanks, and I hope this helps some people!
Also avoid gut loading using the dust. The dust goes on the outside, you feed them any "usable" amount and it will gum up their plumbing and you will end up with a bunch of dead crickets that either cant poop, or have calcuim poisoning.
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