How healthy are Hydei fruit flies?


New Member
I can get Zeke eating the occasional crickets but he really loves the Hydei fruit flies. I've been trying the phenix worms but they are hard to feed. When they get wet they climb and he snatched one but not eating out of the cup and he still eating small enough things are getting lost or out without him getting them.
Have some horns and silks coming in today to try. May have better luck since they will climb on stuff. I wanted him to eat the phenix cause they would work good this Spring in compost but may have to wait until he's older. Still, Should I let him still be eating his fruit flies? Sorry for the book.:eek:
UGH! The little brat. Got the new feeders in this afternoon. I was so excited I could give him a special treat. Ordered the small silkies. Put one one the vine a little in front of him and he just watched it all day. He never even tried to get it. It was very wiggly and waved all around. I hope he was just full and I didn't see him eat a lot. Will try them as first feeder tomorrow. I thought worms were suppose to be a great feeder. Does anyone else have a baby that is being picky?
They can be picky from time to time. Sometimes it is all about the size of the prey. Possibly, it is too large or your chameleon isn't interested because it isn't that hungry. You can not feed him for a day or so and try again with the silkworms. They are a very good food choice for chameleons.

How old is your chameleon? My baby chameleons will and can only eat tiny prey like, fruitflies, pinheads, and baby silkworms. Once they get bigger they can take down larger insects.
he's a small 13wks. he can eat 1/8-1/4 crickets but he seems to prefer FF. I hate wasting all this money. So far I have gotten crickets, FF, phenix worms, baby meal worms, ordered butter worms but they look really too big and silk worms. He has been staying mostly in his basking spot all day and a dark color. He'll go hunt mostly FF and got back to his spot and be lazy. This has been for almost a week now. he use to roam all over. I wouldn't worry too much if he would eat a variety and drink good but he's too little to miss a day of food. I would never let a baby go hungry.
I would say that he can eat baby silkworms. I have never had any luck with phoenix worms either.

Your fruitflies and 1/8" crickets will be fine to feed him for the next couple of months until he gets bigger. Fruitflies are by far the most affordable. Just gutload the crickets really well and you can always dust the flies & crickets with an organic gutload to boost their nutritional value.
:D Thanks, he's such a little brat. I just gave in after he hasn't moved for an hour watching this baby silk. so I put him some FF in and he literally almost jumped off is vine going after them. He's all light colored and on the hunt now. LOL. Reminds me of trying to get my kids to eat new foods when they where toddlers.:rolleyes:
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