how do I know if the eggs are fertile ?


New Member
HI everyone,

My veiled chameleon who I have owned for 2 months has just laid a clutch of eggs, I have read various things on different sites, so am really confused about gestation times etc, could they be fertile ?, I am not sure whether or not she had been around a male before I got her, I have also read that if infertile the eggs would be yellow and these are bright white ??? Please help quickly as I want to do the right thing by her and for her eggs ?

Thanks S.
It's tough to tell when they're first laid. Infertiles can be white, big, and look identical to fertiles. There are no blood vessels visable in fertiles when they are first laid, so it's tough. They look yellow inside when candled during the first couple of months whether they are fertile or not. Best thing to do would be to assume fertile and check them regularly. If they are not fertile they will collapse and go bad within a couple of weeks... usually.

Good luck.
Some chams can retain sperm, but if your female hasn't been with a male in over two years it's unlikely her eggs are fertile. However like was said I would treat them as fertile until you see signs they are not.
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