how do i clean my branches???


New Member
hi guys!!! long time no speak! hope your all ok??? well the chameleon didnt happen several months ago due to other things comeing up, but we're back on track and everything is nearly ready for our new addition, but i have a question, we're useing a couple of branches off out apple tree (as we've read fruit tree branches are ok to use) well we were wondering, do we need to clean them and if so what is the best thing to clean them with?? i've seen some people suggest bakeing them!!?? well that cant happen because our oven isnt that big and the branches at 6foot the same as the enclosure. thank you for any help. katy x xx x
You could cut them, bake them, and then use a double sided screw to put them back together. I have read where some use bleach, and although it will evaporate I would be afraid of it soaking in. Maybe find an all natural cleaner at store that is pet safe. Spray, let sit for a day or two, soak in the tub, and allow to dry.

Edit: Chainschams post below is how I gather my limbs and sticks as well. I have two stationary branches that run at about 45 degree or so that stay in. i have them screwed onto a block of wood and then screwed into the actual base of my cage.
I dont do a thing to clean my sticks. Collect nice ones, break them at the right length and arrange them in the cage. Once they need cleaned I toss them and get new ones. I tend to collect sticks from trees that do not have thick bark so I dont have to worry about it coming off in large chunks.
as long as you are not using pesticides, I wouldn't worry about baking them either. I scrubbed mine with a little soap and water and let them dry naturally in the sun. The pesticides are the main worry In my opinion.
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