Hornworm to cocoon

Yeah, some of mine just cocooned a few days ago. I keep them (once they outgrow their pod) in a ~foot long rectangular plastic storage box. I cut a big rectangle in the lid and glued plastic canvas (mesh works too) and add hornworm chow. Ventilation is key. Then I just waited and some of the horns started walking around like crazy ("wanderers"). These are the ones that are ready to cocoon. They walk around really fast, so you can't miss it. I then put them in a cardboard box with crumpled paper towels and egg crate. Toilet paper tubes work as well. I then leave it closed and voila! a few days later they cocoon. I even had one cocoon in the plastic storage box. Guess he couldn't wait!

That's really it. I can't wait till they eclose!
Yeah, some of mine just cocooned a few days ago. I keep them (once they outgrow their pod) in a ~foot long rectangular plastic storage box. I cut a big rectangle in the lid and glued plastic canvas (mesh works too) and add hornworm chow. Ventilation is key. Then I just waited and some of the horns started walking around like crazy ("wanderers"). These are the ones that are ready to cocoon. They walk around really fast, so you can't miss it. I then put them in a cardboard box with crumpled paper towels and egg crate. Toilet paper tubes work as well. I then leave it closed and voila! a few days later they cocoon. I even had one cocoon in the plastic storage box. Guess he couldn't wait!

That's really it. I can't wait till they eclose!

You can tell that they are ready to cocoon once they become plae and can see the black line across their back (it's their heart and you can see it beating). They also become hard to the touch, not as soft as when they are growing. Once you see them like this, put them on some soil. they'll dig and the cocoon. After a month or so, they'll come out. to make it easier on them, once they cocoon, take them out of the soil and put them on top of the soil. Just keep the soil moist (not wet) so the cocoons dont dry up.

Mine just came out of the cocoon and hopefully I get some hornworm eggs soon. I got 5 now, but that seems too low.
Mine get so big I was having to freeze them and throw them out!
Some cocooned in the pod, now I give them to my friends beardie and he is all over them, no matter the size!!
I would like to coccoon( how in the hell do you spell this word!?) both my silks and horns and see if the chams like em
Yep I did! Then I put them in a small garbage can filled with dirt and ...... I forgot to keep the soil moist.... so they dried out =[[
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