Honest question about the Faly drama


New Member
SO, we all know about all the drama associated with this locale. What's pure, whats not, chest thumping, name calling, *****ing and complaining about XYZ.

BUT, now I have produced some amazing Nosy Falys, the ones everyone wants and loves. I have picture after picture of the males and each looking better than the last...and no one says anything. I have pretty much sold out of what I have and have gotten what I asked in price, I have never placed an ad anywhere just posted pictures.

However, NONE of the people really working with this locale have purchased any, they don't post on the threads, they don't seem to be interested in the proven females that would inject fantastic blood into their lines. WHY?

When I started this I decided it was all about the purity. Do it right. Start with WC male stock and use proven females with documented pictures of brothers from the same clutch as well as dame lines. I posted about breeder ethics. How we should expect more from our breeders, that they should be documenting and proving etc.

So I am two years into this now and have produced the goods (some of the best that have ever been produced on this side of the pond) that prove what I was saying in the beginning, I got laughed at and belittled by the big old boys in the cham world.

I'm a doctor, professional, doing this for the love and trying to preserve one of the best locales that is under attack here and in the wild and needs to be preserved. I'm just not sure what to make of the fact that NO ONE with history of working with this locale has asked for a cham except for Robmd1 and Kent? If you don't feel like posting on here PM me I'll give you my Cell number and we can chat about it.

Has the drama associated with this locale soiled the whole locale? If the money wasn't there, and if people did things the right way and were upfront and honest there wouldn't be drama...maybe that's too much to ask.

I guess, maybe I just don't get it:confused::confused:
That is surprising since your falys are the nicest I've seen. I figured every breeder worth his salt would have snapped them up, even the "good ol boys".

Likely, their own pride and ego has blinded them to the opportunity.

I'd work with them if I had the budget. If I decide to work with panthers again it will either be nosy be or faly.
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I have no concrete idea, as I'm not working with locale or paying that level of attention to it, but perhaps there is some left over resentment over the whole thing? Not necessarily specifically towards you, but it got pretty ugly there for a while and I think people may have just been generally turned off by the whole subject. Even people who just have one as a pet haven't posted photos in a long time, just because of how they got burned during that time. It became more trouble to share than it was worth.

I don't know why breeders aren't buying but as far as the forum faly participation it may just be a matter of time?
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Clarkrw3, I have some killer Faly babies that are a month old. I will post pics when they are bigger. However, several are already showing their high white potential. :D
Here is one from a wc male and blizzard line female

If you want to trade lines let me know.
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I will say it has soiled the locale for me. Granted, it is not a locale I'm interested in working with myself. But if I were to expand in the future I can't say faly would be on my list and that's a large part to do with the drama surrounding the locale. I am glad that there are so many so dedicated to falys, and from the pictures I've seen they look great. There is just too much bad blood.
well, i am not a "panther" fan.
i have to say that you have some stunning chams rob.
i hope that you continue your work, but only if you really get
a huge amount of pride and joy from doing it.
as for others :confused::confused::confused:
I will say it has soiled the locale for me. Granted, it is not a locale I'm interested in working with myself. But if I were to expand in the future I can't say faly would be on my list and that's a large part to do with the drama surrounding the locale. I am glad that there are so many so dedicated to falys, and from the pictures I've seen they look great. There is just too much bad blood.

Ditto that ;)
I am of the opinion that, the drama associated with Nosy Faly has only TEMPORARILY soiled interest. I've been fairly turned off by the issues surrounding it, but I love the locale. And I think a lot of others do as well. Give it some time and I believe it will make a comeback. I am moving on with the prior set backs, and everyone else should too.

You have done a great job with your individuals and lines, keep it up man!

Unfortunately, I do think we'll need more blood for the long haul though.

My .02....

Your Falys are hands down the best the locale has to offer, no question in my mind.

I've noticed a big lull in chameleon buying in general, much less breeders buying.

I decided to breed panthers just for the experience of it and to help fund my K. matschiei project...and I wish I never bred panthers. I bred the best Nosy Be line I knew and a killer Ambilobe line and I've had to sell them for way under what I've put into it.

So my opinion is the combination of negative sentiment with Falys combined with bad market timing has led to what you're experiencing. I've never seen so many ads in our Classifieds section and it seems we're competing so hard to sell that prices have been driven down.
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So my opinion is the combination of negative sentiment with Falys combined with bad market timing has led to what you're experiencing. I've never seen so many ads in our Classifieds section and it seems we're competing so hard to sell that prices have been driven down.

It is a cycle. Everybody and their brothers saw the price of panthers and decided to breed them at the same time.

Those type of people come and go. Unfortunately a lot of them are bedroom breeders and parents pay the electric and cricket bills. They really put the hurt on everybody else.

Now if someone had started a large scale quadricornis breeding program at the same time instead of panthers, they could have done pretty well.

It is unfortunate that the vast majority of chams that would make great pets never get considered. I've got a WC male K. multi. that is the most docile friendly chameleon that I have ever owned. He comes to greet me, climbs out of his cage onto my hand and eats out of the other hand. I've owned literally thousands of chameleons and never had one this personable and calm.

As much as I like the beauty of panthers, I really like working with chams that are not established in the pet trade and may lose the opportunity to work with in the near future due to their threatened or endangered status. Unfortunately, there is a very narrow market for their offspring, sometimes too small to afford to continue captive bred conservation efforts. I can see how hard it has been for a few breeders to rally the world to their cause. Then when exports shut off, we have very little genetic diversity to work with.

A real shame.
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