Here's my new guy =]


New Member
Ok, so on Sunday I got my first Chameleon. His name is Herman (the bf got to name him xD).

Im not sure how old he is so if you could give me your estimates that would be great. My guess is about 2-3 months?

He has some shed between his eyes. Have been trying to keep humidity above 60. It is currently around 70. Should it be higher to try and remove the shed?

Also, I'm a bit worried about his eyes. Im not sure if I'm being like a worried mother lol but he is my first an want everything to be ok. Do they look a bit sunken? Or are they ok? Any thoughts?

He's eating fine and has settled in well. The only thing I havent seen is him drinking, which is why im worried about his eyes lol.

Well, here he is (some are a bit blurry - phone cam pics lol) =]






(Cup in below pic is only there to get the crickets out, it doesnt stay in there!)


Sleeping =]

Well, there you go =] Any comments? More pics of enclosure will be uploaded later =]

Emma x
He looks fine-around 2 months old. I did not see my male Veiled drink forever it seems. Just mist several times a day for 3-5 minutes and watch his poos-if there is no yellow then all should be OK!
I see your cham likes hot and spicy crickets!!

Haha yeah. It was just the first thing I found which would mean I wouldnt have to touch the crickets!

Thanks everyone =] He doesnt seem at all stressed but I am still giving him his peace though (despite how hard it is lol) =]

Thanks Julirs for the info. How often do chams poo? I havent found any yet but he has eaten quite a bit...

Emma x

Just wanted to let you know an hour or so after the last post I decided to see if he wanted anything to eat before I left him alone for the night. So I put some crickets into a container and put it in his enclosure. He looked at the crickets for a while and decided he didnt want any...

Instead he turned around and almost pooped on them.

So thats a relief! He is pooing! Lol. And his Urates were nice and white =] Yay!

Emma x
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