Here's another....


New Member
I acquired this CH blue bar from FL Chams last December and almost gave up on the little guy. He came to me very small and unable to project his tongue. Unable to catch crickets I only gave him a few weeks to live. Mike was aware of the situation and offered to replace him. I decided to stick with him and began feeding him wax worms. To my surprise he ate like a champ and things turned around from there. As of late I've been keeping him outdoors and he has started projecting his tongue once again....lolololol. His colors are electric and he is the friendliest cham ever. He is a true anomaly and amazing animal.

Please let me introduce to you...."Presto"...lolololol
That's awesome! Go Presto!!!!

Thanks for sharing your success story, it's always good to hear when someone has helped out a chameleon friend.
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