Here is a question???

I was on here to get help on how to set up the cages. someone asked how people fed. I thought I would share. I don't need a lecture because I felt like sharing the way that I fed the Chameleons

I am sorry if you guys don't agree with the way I take care of them. But its how it is, and its been that way for almost 6 months now.

Lets just all drop it. Senior members are probably the people that know the most. We all know that. But, lets not fight over something as silly as someone's feeding ways. Plus if she wants to take the advice then she doesn't have too. Lets all just drop it.
Lets just all drop it. Senior members are probably the people that know the most. We all know that. But, lets not fight over something as silly as someone's feeding ways. Plus if she wants to take the advice then she doesn't have too. Lets all just drop it.

whatever you say man
i mean it to whoever own the chameleon. and doesn't want to follow the others good advice. whatever you do, just please do it for the sake of your pet because his/her life is entirely up to the owner's hand :)

Thats true.
Yeah well I hope to get a better way of doing EVERYTHING for them. But until I can get my Bf to hand over the money, this is the best I can do.
A great keeper once said (and I am paraphrasing):

"Anyone can keep a chameleon for a year, that's about how long it takes to kill one."

Good luck with upgrading your husbandry ... in addition to dedication and passion, the two most important things for successful keeping are time and money.

A great keeper once said! LOL! Sorry, just never thought of chameleon keepers as "greats" that need to be quoted.

Leoman, to answer your question many simple cups can be used. Here is a link to someone on this forums way of cup feeding. All the used was a deep wide container that crickets can not jump out of that their chameleon can eat from (yellow cup in middle of cage)...

All you really need to do is get any deep wide cup (preferably non-transparent, transparent ones can sometimes confuse the chameleon) and put it in your cage. The deeper it is the less chance crickets have of getting out. The wider it is the better chance your chameleon has of spotting the food (especially if it is not used to cup feeding).

Maybe the cup you have right now is too short so the crickets can jump out easily, try a deeper one. To get the crickets in the feeder cup, simply put egg crates, or even crumpled up paper towels in your cricket cage, then place your cup feeder inside the cricket cage and tap out the crickets hiding on the bottom of the egg crate/paper towels into your feeder cup. There you have it, crickets in your feeder cup with no chance of them escaping. Then put the feeder cup back into the chameleon cage.
I'm going to get a juvenile veiled chameleon soon and I was wondering how many crickets/other critters you buy at a time. I'm a new owner so I'm not entirely sure how many is too many. Any advice regarding sanitary cricket keeping would be great.
I'm going to get a juvenile veiled chameleon soon and I was wondering how many crickets/other critters you buy at a time. I'm a new owner so I'm not entirely sure how many is too many. Any advice regarding sanitary cricket keeping would be great.

hi circus fish there are many threads that talked about crickets and the way to care for them.
Go click the forums and under the search box, type crickets.
utilize the search function, and then if you still have another question, you can open a new thread.
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