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My cham has cut down on her food for about 2weeks now...eating onli her lettuce and a few bugs....I think she may have eggs inside her,iv provided her with a laying bin but to no avail.please help
She is definitely gravid. dig her a hole and see if that won't help her to lay. Try not to disturb her too much, and if she looks like she is even starting go south you will need to get her to a reptile vet the weaker she becomes the worst the prognoses.
Keep putting her in the laying bin. Make sure not to watch or disturb. If she does not lay, then get her to the vet. They can give her a shot to induce her to lay the eggs.
Keep putting her in the laying bin. Make sure not to watch or disturb. If she does not lay, then get her to the vet. They can give her a shot to induce her to lay the eggs.
Do you think it's the reason she's reduced on her food
My female always reduces her food intake when she is about to lay. I would keep putting her into the bin. I cover the cage with a sheet also just to give her extra privacy.
My female always reduces her food intake when she is about to lay. I would keep putting her into the bin. I cover the cage with a sheet also just to give her extra privacy.
I've put her in the laying bin an she just doesn't seem interested at all.....I'm really worried bout her....she hasent eaten proply for bout a week.....
I've got a few females that worry me from time to time. They'll pace their enclosure for a week, then pace the large laying bin for a few days, then lay, all while not eating and barely drinking. I've never had a female not lay though but it is still stressful every time. If she feels safe she should lay just give her a lot of privacy. Good luck with her!

I've put her in the laying bin an she just doesn't seem interested at all.....I'm really worried bout her....she hasent eaten proply for bout a week.....

As Carol5208 said you can take her to a vet to get a shot to induce her to lay. If you want to try another avenue first, you can take a large garbage can or bin that she can't climb out of, fill it with dirt or sand and basically make a giant lay bin. You can dig a starter hole and place her in it. As she would have nowhere to go but the bin, usually they lay at that point. Privacy is key. If that does not work, I would take her to a vet.
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