HELP with abandoned Green Anole


New Member
Hello everyone I need some help, today while taking out the trash I found 2 Green Anole abandoned in their tank in the dumpster. One is about 5" in length the other about 3 From what I read the booth appear to be male. I have had a Ball Python for a number of years so I know a bit about reptiles and how to care for them but I know Very little about lizards. These guy's are in BAD shape, Very bony they look undernourished. They are still fairly active. It's is 2 am here so there are no pet stores open for crickets or Meal worms. Any advice to bring these poor guy's back to health?
sounds like they need food as soon as you can get it - crickets are great - our eat them with relish - meal worms are good too. make sure they have access to water - that is also critical. and that they are warm so that they will want to eat. where are you located?
Las Vegas, Normally we are up to our neck's in Crickets, but I can't find any now, it's still to Cold i guess, I read that they will eat fruit so I tried some diced apple.
do you have any ants (not fire ants tho)? ours eat just about any bug, including ants. never have seen them eat fruit......

a pat on the back to you for rescuing them. your karma is good.:D
Thanks, Not much around here bug wise at the moment, just maybe some roaches in the garage. They look to be alright, I cleaned their tank (it was a MESS) and misted it nicley so the humidity is up, the only light I have is for my python and i thnk it's a bit to warm for them. I'll stop at the pet shop in the morning and get some insect for them. I still can't believe someone would do that!
they do make great pets - we have them out doors too but have kept them inside too. they are fairly passive - bite doesn't do anything and btw they are disappearing from fl due to the cuban anoles (brown and aggressive in taking territory).

i hope you keep them as pets - we love them!
Unfortunatley we are a rare population that can look at reptiles and find something amazing about all of them. Most others think they are disposable pets, ones that look cool for a little while and then can just toss them out. I have no idea what sorts of animals are in Las Vegas but is it possible these anoles were caught there or are they not found in Las Vegas? My thought is that if anoles are found in the area, some kid may have just caught them to "play" with them. In that case maybe it would be best to let them go. But like I said I have no idea wether there are anoles there or not. But I give you props for taking care of the, the average person would probably just run away from it like it were a monster.....its just a cute little lizard! :) Good luck!
sure can i have anoles right now.
first i would give wax worms for a bit,until they get their weight up. also they like to be up in the trees like chams. once you can get some crickets i would put some of those in there as well as the wax worms. they need a basking spot as well. and a 5.0 light over entire cage. they also like it humid so misting often is great. they will drink from a water fall from time to time but it is easier to just spray.
you do not have to gut load the crickets for these guys.
let me know if you have any other questions.
When I lived in NC I saw a wild green anole eatting a black widow spider. It was freaking cool!

I wouldn't recommend trying to catch venomous spiders though ;-)
Its horrible that someone would just toss them in a dumpster. IN their cage so they would have no chance. Sickening.

Yes, just keep them warm, give them water and get them food in the morning. They are so lucky to have had you find them! The little guys would have been toast.
Umm if they are both male then you shouldnt have 2 in the same cage. I have 1 male and 1 female, they are pretty cool little creatures if cared for properly:)
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