HELP !! Weak veiled Cham

Please take that poor chameleon to the vets! :mad::( It saddens me to see chams in that state having seen how amazing they look when they are healthy! I also couldn't bear to see more than a little bit of the video - please don't waste any more time and get the poor thing to the vets!
OMG ((tears)) I just watched the video he is really suffering, you need to get him to a vet ASAP. So sad. :(:(:( There is nothing that can help other then a vet immediately... he is suffering. Don't push him to walk, looks like that is pretty painful for him. Please post back after you take him to vet.
Excuse me every one...

Por favor llevenlo al veterinanrio! El pobresito esta sufriendo, no se si se pueda salvar. Como te han dicho, esta muy enfermo y no es justo que siga sufriendo. Me dio mucha lastima verlo de esa manera y creeme que se lo dificil para ti pero lo mejor es que lo duerman. Imajinate tener huesos rotos como el y estar caminando al mismo tiempo. Tambien sufre de deshidratacion. :(

Edit/Translation: Please take him to a Vet! Poor thing is suffering, I don't think he can be saved. Like others have told you, he is very sick and it's not fair for him to keep suffering that way. It pained me to see him that way and trust me I know how difficult it is for you but it's best to euthanize him. Imagine having broken bones as he does and walk around at the same time. He is also suffering from dehydration. :(
I don't understand how this could happen. Everyone is capable of taking their cham outside for UV rays, right? I understand people in the snow can't, but Puerto Rico??? Poor thing, take it to the vet and put it out of it's misery. The poor things legs are like noodles:(
Is this person for real?? I don't understand with all the available information out there how can this happen and continue to go so far?? If you did this to a dog or cat you would go to jail!! People think reptiles and other small animals don't have any feelings or are too simple to feel pain, this is sick!
Before starting I would say this, I love animals and therefore I do anything for their welfare. now I'm not well financially but I help as I can. try to get economic options with veterinarians because they are expensive payments madicine visit and for this disease. I failed to get the money to carry him to the vet, but they advised me on how to treat this disease and get to see improvement. I'm medicating with lyquid electrolyte supplement with vitamin D3 to increase appetite, and he does not want to eat but is drinking very well. This morning pooped white color, anyone know why? I have noticed improvement in is more active than before. if I can help with anything I thank you ...
It seems that you, for whatever reason, are not able to care for this poor animal. If you can't afford it, or don't have the knowledge, or whatever, PLEASE, for the chameleon's sake, *give* him to someone who may be able to try and get him healthy. The other option would be to have him humanely put out of his misery. You have been given a lot of excellent advice and have not followed it, and you don't have enough money for proper vet care. Your chameleon should not have to suffer because of this. Do what is best for HIM immediately. Please.
I love my chameleon I've done everything for his welfare. Something I did wrong because he was right. I feel very bad, to all of you I'm like a bad owner and honestly it really hurts. All I can think of is that they sold it to problems that I have it for a month with him. I've gotta do everything we can to improve it, I'm making a collection of money in my school to help me with the payments of veterinarian.:(:(:(:(:(:(:( SORRY!!!!
You said..."I'm medicating with lyquid electrolyte supplement with vitamin D3 to increase appetite"...this is not a proper treatment to correct MBD. The chameleon needs enough calcium to raise his blood calcium levels high enough that the calcium can be drawn back into the bones. Although D3 could be needed too...its primarily calcium that would be needed. I've told you how it needed to be corrected before.
i did buy the ub light yesterday..:(:(:(:(:(:( im trying evrything what kind of d3 calcium i have to buy ??:confused::confused:
D3 and calcium can be bought together in supplements such as Rep-cal phos.-free calcium with D3.....but you can't just use that or you will over-do the D3. You need a phos.-free calcium supplement too that should be given to chameleon every day to build up the levels of calcium in its body. Liquid calcium sandoz or gluconate can be bought at a pharmacy and given to the chameleon with an eye-dropper or syringe that has no needle. You need to give it to the chameleon a drop at a time because its difficult for the chameleon to swallow it.

Whatever you do for this chameleon, its still going to have those terrible broken legs so I don't know what quality of life it will have. Every day that you delay doing this puts this chameleon closer to death because not only are its bones affected by the MBD but its organs and muscles (including the heart) are affected too. If things go too far, the chameleon will die.
amy, looking at the other thread, it seems like this chameleon came to you with problems. This didn't happen in a short span of time. I suggest you print out Kinyonga's comment on what to do about MBD and, if possible, the thread on MBD in the health forum and take those to your vet. He/she might not realize how dramatic the need is to get calcium back into the bones quickly.
only the vet will tell me exactly what I know, that what he has MBD. I know that the visit will make him an x-ray examination after all the vet would tell me that no remedy or has MBD. I just want to know what should I do?
Well, as Kinyonga has said, there is an injection that can be given which will draw calcium into the bones. You can't do that, the vet has to. Not all vets have experience with chameleons so reading what Kinyonga has written about the process might help.
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