Help please!!!!


New Member
So if anyone remembers Rafiki...He is my little guy with MBD. I rushed him to the vet this morning b/c i found him lying in his plant- still holding on but only by his tail. they said his MBD is ok- his bones are strong. He is staying over night for blood work and so on.... my question (concern) is that they said it could be as serious as kidney failure. i am a college student and i cant afford to pay for more tests. i live in florida and IF worse comes to worse - Would like Florida Chameleons take him? or is there a rescue that could help. i am just trying to make a plan if the worst happens. or course i do not want to give up on Rafiki, i love him and that is why if i am unable to help him hopefully someone else can and he will be ok.

Thanks guys
Did you take him to Dr. Alfonso as we talked about in an earlier post of your? I know he was not doing well then.
he is a year and a half or so. got him summer of 07 when he was TINY.
i called the vet today they said he is doing well- they are waiting on the blood samples to come back tomorrow. so ill know if everything is ok by then. I took him to the animal and bird hospital in my area.
i am in Tampa.
Rafiki is home now- the vet said he is anemic and his blood cells are wacko- his red are to low and white to high. i am still waiting on the blood work results....he is on antibiotics for a few weeks....but i have to sit and really make a decision on what to do. i cant afford to do anything more.
this is a really hard decision i have had to realize. I think it is time that i have to look for alternative options. Does anyone know of a rescue or someone who is willing to rescue Rafiki. I am unable to give him the care and attention he needs at this time and i would rather he be in a better environment. i don't want to be selfish i want his survival first and hopefully someone with more understanding will be willing. It breaks my heart to make this decision but i know it is better for my little guy.

I live in tampa... can anyone help or lead me to the right help.

Thanks again.
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