Help my baby cham poops on us when we hold him


everytime we hold our cham he poops. Is he telling us he dose not want to be held or is he so relaxed that it just comes out? we are 3 for 3 with this. my twice my girlfriend once. but if i leave the cage door open he climbs out and then when I put my hand out he climbs on me.
Don't take it personally. When a cham gets excited (the stress from being handled or being a lot more active when climbing on you) it is pretty natural for them to "lighten the load" just in case they need to escape something. Or it may simply be that the motions of climbing around gets the system moving a bit sooner than it might otherwise. I notice if I carry my chams to a warm bright sunny window they often poop shortly after. It is sort of the same thing birds pick up your pet bird and either right before they climb on you or shortly after they climb on you they need to poop.
My theory is he's training you to put him back when he's had see the leg go out and rush him back to his home. I could be wrong.
Mine does the same thing. He claws at the cage door until I let him climb out on my hand then he poops. My theory is he does not want to poop inside his cage. After all it is a pretty small space compared to what his territory would be in nature. In fact, my cham will go quite a while without pooping unless I make time to take him out and let him go outside his cage more frequently. After a couple years of this I see the signs and grab a paper towel before it hits the floor.
My boy Tyson does the same thing, but i think is good. He always does his pooo when he is out of his cage, not neccessarily on me, maybe he likes keeping hiscage cleaner;), is like he is trained not to do his business there :) just make sure you got some papertowel in hand and once he done you can enjoy his company...
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