HELP! Common Pests

You can put nepenthes in Cham cages If the conditions are right, but generally my best fly killers are drosera capensis(sundew) and pinguicula(mexican butterwort) theyre very stick and id sit them on a windowsill near the cage sitting in about an inch of distilled water.

As for cleaner crews, the springtails and most isopods stay so small and don't leave the dirt. You'd never see a springtail on your floor, they're tiny white specks. I've never had an isopods leave the cage, neither should be an issue. My bigger problem has been crickets lol. Even escaped roaches stay in the cage.
Isopods die within like 12 hours of being out of high humidity too long, modified gills are no fun for that XD
I like the isopods I raise, so do most people I ship them too XD they get huge and also explode and usually out compete a lot of things for food and space. Just ask James XD
@Andee thanks for your concern, the fires were nearby but i'm close to disneyland so i'm in the more heavily populated area away from the brush. and they're not stable flies... at least we've never been bitten. i'm definitely interested in getting some from you. what kind do you have? like i said before, i really don't know anything about cleaners/isopods so anything in particular i need to know or just throw them in the pots i have? what exactly do they feed on? obviously the target i want is the larvae of pests, but will they also feed on the BSFL that i throw in my pots to pupate and turn into flies? i have 4 pots of plants ranging from 4-8 inches so how much do i need?

@jamest0o0 so nepenthes are the only ones that can be kept inside the viv? the other two you mentioned can only be kept outside? as for springtails? any recommendations on where to get? i assume it's recommended to have both.

question for you both... do i need to worry about over infestation? what keeps their population in check?

thanks in advance!
@jamest0o0 where do you get your carnivorous plants? I have a place nearby that sells Venus fly traps, but I've never seen anything else. There is one plant store downtown that I kind of remember seeing a nepenthes, but I could only look through the window because nobody was there. I'm kind of having a house fly and gnat thing going on around my succulents. I was wondering if you order them or if you just have a local plant store.
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