

New Member
hi all am new here, been wanting a chameleon for a long time and on monday i got one for my birthday best birthday present ever, i was told before hand just to make sure that i still wanted one etc. I have a veiled chameleon and his name is pearex :D

am so glad i got him he is just so interesting to watch , he just consumes crickets like theres no tomorrow , i have even seen him drink water from the fiscus plant i have in with him. He is just amazing to watch rather watch him then the tv , he does come out and he sits on my shoulder or my head ( if im sat down) but he doest like being out for long.
he also likes the occasonal spray with warm water , he gets a little spray when im spraying his leafs etc. will get up pics when i have got them.

i am also owned by one corn snake 10 ferrets and 4 cats :p and am from th euk
Hi! Welcome to the best place for everything chameleon (and most other things too, lol)! I am also in the UK. Congrats on your new l'il man!:D
Welcome and congrats on the new family member. Be very careful of the cats. They tend to want to "play" with chameleons and even the strongest cages sometimes don't provide enough protection.
thanks for the welcome the cats dont go near him and we make sure they are locked out of the room when we are not about, the ferrets are outside and the snake is in a differrent room so i think ive got him covered :eek:
Welcome to the wonderful world of chameleon ownership! I like how you said you are owned by the animals! That about sums it up! We are their slaves!!!!!
lol yes we are and dont i now about it lol .....one good thing about pearex is he has gotten me over my fear of crickets i even held one today ....just because hes worth it :cool:
lol yes we are and dont i now about it lol .....one good thing about pearex is he has gotten me over my fear of crickets i even held one today ....just because hes worth it :cool:

I know that feeling all too well! My first cham taught me so much and helped rid me of my fear of the livefood! Before I got her I couldn't even pick up a tub of locusts or crix. Still not keen on the crix but don't mind handling the locusts anymore, even though I have had one bite my finger!
not sure on the locust prefer crickets lol ..also got some meal worms for a change and them i dont mind had to get used to them for my voluntry work :)

am learning something new about pearex all the time though i think i may have got a little obbsessive lol
Obsessive? Cham keepers? Of course we are!! One chameleon is just not enough!:D Don't overdo it with the mealies - their outer shell is hard for chams to digest in large quantities. That said, they love the newly moulted white ones occasionally!
not sure on the locust prefer crickets lol ..also got some meal worms for a change and them i dont mind had to get used to them for my voluntry work :)

am learning something new about pearex all the time though i think i may have got a little obbsessive lol

Hi and welcome to the forum. We're here for any questions you may have.
I also have OCD (Obsessive Chameleon Disorder) I just purchased my second Jackson's..a female last weekend. Enjoy your new baby! :)
thanks for the welcome and the links :) i think i have read them all , all ready i was checking out this site and a few others before i got pearex. he only has about 6 mealworms and they are the first he has had , loves his crickets though.

yes my ocd is quite bad lol
Let me join the others and say welcome. We are all a bunch of chameleon loving nuts:eek: After one of these guys crawls into your heart you are "owned" for life.:)
lol yeah i have noticed this already love pearex .....is it natural to constantly worry about them though
Yes it is! I worry about mine still - it does get easier once you get to know the cham though. I was constantly worried about my first cham as you are new to it and not sure what is normal or not! Have fun getting to know your chameleon - they are such rewarding pets! I really couldn't be without my two - love them probably far too much, lol!:D
I started to worry less as I learned more. But even after more than ten years with one type of chameleon, I still occassionally freak-out, panic, worry, obsess, and still learn new things on a regular basis.
ok phew so its normal then lol today pearex showed me his blue spots he never had blue on him before always been green shades with a bit of purple or pinky orange.

hes just amazing
I am also in the UK owned by a veiled :)
He is 5 ish months old and have had him about 7 weeks and have done nothing but worry and freak out since I have had him, he is awesome and I love him to bits. At the moment he his on hunger strike and am trying to find places in the Uk that will mail live foods which aren't locusts, waxes or crickets!!! Trying frantically to find silk worms.
Good luck with everything
yeah, I ordered a silk worm kit of which I am on day 4 of watching these funny poppy seed looking eggs very eagerly and also ordered some worms live about 8 days ago and I am told they were packed and despatched the day after ordering so I dont hold out much hope that if they arrive that they will be any good :(
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