heat lights


New Member
Should I keep the heat light on at night just in case it gets clod at night in the night.
The short answer is no.

The long answer is I'm concerned over what you mean by heat light. Are you using some kind of Red or Black light as your basking lamp?

It is probably best to post a picture of your whole setup here, as the guys here can spot any problems before they begin to effect your animals health.
Good luck and welcome!

like chequepoint said... The short answer is no.

The longer answer depends on you situation as far as having a night time heat source. First, what kind of cham do you have? How old is he or she? Next, what kind of temps do you keep the room your cham is in. If you own a Veiled you can let the temps drop into the mid 50's as long as you provide a sufficient temp at his/her's basking spot. A panther shouldn't go below the low to mid 60's... again providing heat in the morning.

If you find that the temp in the room is dropping below those temps then purchase a ceramic heat coil. Place near a perch and your cham will find the heat if he/she needs it.

Also, what kind of light cycle do you run? This time of year you should have the lights one for 10 hours and off for 14. Chams need sleep just like us.
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