Arcadia Grow Light Generating Too Much Heat


New Member
Hi everyone. I just purchased the Arcadia jungle dawn led light bar for my plants. It puts out alot of heat. How can I keep it from emitting heat into my enclosure?
When I asked beman about this he said that the overall temp of the cage gets raised like 1-2 degrees from the light.

The range on the light isn’t huge so I imagine it’s less effective the more you raise it up.
I just wanted to jump in here and say welcome to the forum. :) Depending on how much heat your plant light is generating, you can raise it off the screen a bit and/or reduce the strength of your basking bulb to compensate. If you have a young chameleon, you’ll want to raise all of your lights at least a couple of inches above the screen. Little ones enjoy walking upside down along the screen tops and by the time they feel the heat, they have already gotten burned.
So I have one of these.. And I am not a he @IrohtheVeiled, lol I am a girl.

Anyways yes you can see a few degrees higher temps. But it should not be enough to cause issues unless you keep your ambient house temps too hot or if you are using a basking wattage that is far too hot. You can lift the fixture up off the top if needed. But I would look at your overall set up as well. What temps are you actually getting and how are you measuring these temps?
So I have one of these.. And I am not a he @IrohtheVeiled, lol I am a girl.

Anyways yes you can see a few degrees higher temps. But it should not be enough to cause issues unless you keep your ambient house temps too hot or if you are using a basking wattage that is far too hot. You can lift the fixture up off the top if needed. But I would look at your overall set up as well. What temps are you actually getting and how are you measuring these temps?
Oh I’m sorry didn’t mean to subconsciously assume you’re a dude, my bad
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