he ate a lizard

I read the comments.......don't listen to people that post nasty comments like that....i think it's a good life lesson......and like someone else said you see much worse in the papers and on the news these days!
thanks guys!!

It sucks I cant feed him because Im expecting some mantis in the mail anyday now and I bet he will LOVE them:D
Our sponsor LLL is having a youtube video contest. You should enter this video. Do it soon for I believe they are picking the winner on May 1. Check out their home page for the details.:cool:

Do yall think i should take the sound out before i put the video in the contest....or do u think "hes a bad lizard" makes the video better??
:eek: so was the motive by your son, to provide Ester with a little friend? and then Ester ate him? (morbid laughing)

So I wonder if providing pinkies would be okay for your chameleon though probably not a 'natural' item on the menu for them in the wild.
I have seen some people say its ok to give a pinky maybe 2 times a year here on the forum.....I dont really know.....I dont think I plan on Mr ester ever having another anole unless he catches it while on my back porch sun bathing:p
In Germany it's a criminal act to feed alive vertebrates

I assume this includes feeding live mice to snakes?
Some people keep species of snakes which only eat lizards - does this make it indirectly 'illegal' to keep these species?
KEEP THE SOUND IN!!!! thats what makes the video amazing. if it didnt have ur son in it, it would be lame. it doesnt show the chameleon catch it, nor kill it with the first killing bite. i would totally enter that and def. keep the sound!!!
AWW MY GOSH THAT POOR KID :) that is so sad/adorable.
i'm not sure how to feel about that haha.

he was so sad.
yeah i wouldn't worry about adding too much vitamin A for the next month, but normal supplementation would be fine imo. I didnt see the pics prior to, and yes that would be an anole. like i said before you would have a better chance from feeding him cricket farm crickets. if i still lived in FL i would have no issue feeding anoles, and not worrying about it, but thats my choice of chance. people yell both directions so do what you feel is right =)
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