Hatchling birth defect??


New Member
I am hatching my first clutch of eggs, ever.. They are ambilobe panthers, and we're laid on the 21st of May, almost 6 months ago..
There are three so far, and three more piped and ready to emerge..
One of them looks a bit different in the face, almost like she had a cleft palate..
I have looked at many threads, but have yet to see another panther like her.
I am curios if anyone else has seen or experienced this?
She hatched 2 days ago, and is in the bin with her siblings.. She is an active little sweetheart.
Here is the best picture I could get..
I wonder what may have caused this, and if any others will have it..


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I've had two jacksons (T.j. xantholophus) with something similar before.

I'm not sure what causes it exactly, but I imagine it is something that happens during gestation/incubation.

thank you.. Did your jacksons survive? Mine is drinking, and acting like nothing is wrong..

Unfortunately, neither neonate that had it survived. They does not necessarily mean that will be the case here.

Quick update.. :)
Derpy is 8 weeks old now. He is smaller than the siblings, but appears to be doing well so far. He eats and drinks like a tiny champ. I had to separate him from the others due to size difference..


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Yes, he drinks and eats using his tongue, just like the other babies..
I am actually unsure of the sex right now, but my daughter has named him baby derpy and dubbed it a boy.. :D
Derpy is adorable. I took in every misfit born on the forum for a few years. I didn't care, mean veiled, not growing panther, missing leg, missing tongue, just basic neglect, I loved them all. To me they were all different and each a challenge. Those were some very rewarding chams. Even if I lost one, and I lost several, I knew it had a home the best I could provide before it left this world. Derpy will become your favorite, just wait and see.
Thanks guys..
Chase, I have not noticed any slow tongue movements.. seems normal to me. The first time I saw him extend his tongue catch a cricket I cried a tear of joy, and squealed out loud :D
Laurie, that is wonderful of you. I imagine very hard at times too..
I have already fallen for this little one. I really hope he stays around for a long while..
Again, Thanks all ;)
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