

New Member
Hi, how often should a veiled chameleon be handled? Mine wants out 24/7 everytime I come in hes scratching at his glass. Is this normal?
How big is his enclosure, that can be a sign it's too small. It needs to be at least 24x24x48
That's setup looks pretty but needs lots of horizontal branches and tons of plants for him to hide in. He's out in the open and that can make him feel on edge. Chams like to hide.
Yeh im away to get another 1 tomorrow, everytime i put lots of leaves in he seems to panic n not leave the front. He also tried to have se
And anytime you change their environment by adding or taking away something you have to allow for an adjustment period
Ventalation? How can i do this
Use a screen top for ventilation... I think I see your lamps are in the enclosure, it's best you put them on top so he can't get burned.

With your top having screen it will take care of 1 part of the ventilation. You now need ventilation from the front or from the sides so there will come airflow to prevent the air from going stale. You can probably best get a roster at the diy store that already has screen in it so the feeders don't start free roaming.
I'd get the ventilation from both sides since in general more ventilation is better. (unless it's draft, draft is bad mkay)
My girl loves to be handled and come out. Don't get me wrong, she has her moments of wanting her space which I gladly give her, but majority of the time she is like your's she's right there at the front trying to climb on me as I walk by. Some are definitely more social than others, so enjoy it! Pickles loves to go outside, go for walks, and climb on her homemade tree and catch bugs, but it's always her choice of whether she wants to come out or not.
my cham doesn't care for being handled but he's not to stressful about it either... Especially when he gets some sun.


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Thats great, thanks was gettin a bit worried about him as everywhere i read most dont like coming out so if urs is the same sarah then i can relax :) he hates going outside tho, just freezes n goes a dark green/brown colour
Thats great, thanks was gettin a bit worried about him as everywhere i read most dont like coming out so if urs is the same sarah then i can relax :) he hates going outside tho, just freezes n goes a dark green/brown colour

What is the temp where you live? Pickles gets very dark outside too - they do that to absorb more heat and sunlight. She'll turn one side really dark and her other side will still be bright green.
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