

Hey guys I have been looking for a good gutloading recipe. My chameleon has had issues fully using his tongue since i’ve gotten him from LLL Reptile a few months back. I’ve noticed his tongue gets better with proper gutloading and i’ve visited the vet and I was told i’m taking a step in the right direction. I currently have a wet gutload (the dark green mushy blend in the picture) which is made of kale, carrots, apples, blackberries and some cricket crack. also in the cricket pen is dry cricket crack (in a separate plate), and then a few veggies on another plate. This seems like overkill honestly and i’ve seen people gutload with way less so i was wondering if some of you could list a recipe or just a description of what you guys do


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I use organic fresh fruits and veggies off of the good ingredients lists in the gutload section of the nutrition tab in resources and toss them in a blender, then add it to unflavored gelatin. I also have Mazuri, Pangea, Repashy, Cricket Crack, Bug Grub, bee pollen, and spirulina that I rotate through or mix together and use dry next to the fruits and veggies concoction, along with watering gel. I then put my feeder insects in for that day to intense gutload for 1 hour with Sticky Tongue Farms Vit-all, made up into a paste with water, before feeding because I supplement with Miner-all
Hey guys I have been looking for a good gutloading recipe. My chameleon has had issues fully using his tongue since i’ve gotten him from LLL Reptile a few months back. I’ve noticed his tongue gets better with proper gutloading and i’ve visited the vet and I was told i’m taking a step in the right direction. I currently have a wet gutload (the dark green mushy blend in the picture) which is made of kale, carrots, apples, blackberries and some cricket crack. also in the cricket pen is dry cricket crack (in a separate plate), and then a few veggies on another plate. This seems like overkill honestly and i’ve seen people gutload with way less so i was wondering if some of you could list a recipe or just a description of what you guys do
There always more room for branches and vines
I use organic fresh fruits and veggies off of the good ingredients lists in the gutload section of the nutrition tab in resources and toss them in a blender, then add it to unflavored gelatin. I also have Mazuri, Pangea, Repashy, Cricket Crack, Bug Grub, bee pollen, and spirulina that I rotate through or mix together and use dry next to the fruits and veggies concoction, along with watering gel. I then put my feeder insects in for that day to intense gutload for 1 hour with Sticky Tongue Farms Vit-all, made up into a paste with water, before feeding because I supplement with Miner-all
thank you for the help! Is unflavored gelatin from the grocery story okay?
Thanks for the advice can i see a picture of one of your enclosures maybe for a visual example. You have a really beautiful cham.
Thank you! My chams are in temporary cages while I upgrade them to huge custom cages. I’m wrapping two sides of the temp cages in plastic wrap today, when I’m done, I can upload a pic (I’m adding more vines and all of their live plants are growing elsewhere, so don’t get your hopes up). I can also link my custom build thread, though.
Thank you! My chams are in temporary cages while I upgrade them to huge custom cages. I’m wrapping two sides of the temp cages in plastic wrap today, when I’m done, I can upload a pic (I’m adding more vines and all of their live plants are growing elsewhere, so don’t get your hopes up). I can also link my custom build thread, though.
honestly seeing anything helps when it comes to people who’ve kept chameleons longer than me.
Thank you! My chams are in temporary cages while I upgrade them to huge custom cages. I’m wrapping two sides of the temp cages in plastic wrap today, when I’m done, I can upload a pic (I’m adding more vines and all of their live plants are growing elsewhere, so don’t get your hopes up). I can also link my custom build thread, though.
but yea i’ll be waiting eagerly to see what your enclosure look like when they’re all done lol!
Here’s one of my temp. cages. I wrapped the two sides that mist gets through with painter’s plastic. Sorry the lighting is bad, I was doing it in my hallway because ther’e no room in my office/pet room


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