Greenhouse to house feeders?

I have built 2 of the insulated boxes you are thinking about building so I can put it under my house, using 4x8 plywood and 1-inch insulation. It will work for you if you don't expand your feeders, or the ones you have need bigger containers. Now I have Lowes plastic shelves in a closet, and house 26 roach colonies, with 10 being the large Sterlite gasket boxes, and 16 are the smaller Sterlite gasket box.

The temperatures range from 88 degrees at the top level to 75 degrees on the bottom, and don't worry about who is at what level. Like chameleons, you may find the amount of room you have for feeders will be the only limit to how many feeders you have!


Nick Barta
@NickTide do you have any experience with that heat mat?
Not the same brand but probably the same manufacturer. I have roaches on it and I have my isopods on top of the roaches to catch the slightly warmer air (basement is 66 degrees. If I put the probe (indoor outdoor digital thermometer) between the tank and mat, I get 90 some degrees. On the tank floor its like 82. Midway up, it's in the 70s. And right around 70 on top of the tank.

Keep in mind, bugs will thermoregulate like reptiles. So I give a cool side for them as well. 20 years ago when i bought crickets buy the 500, I used a basking light for them and they basked. Great survival rates. Maybe better than heat matts but heat mats use less electricity.

I just ordered a few sizes of mats below. Can't vouch for how good they are. I'm going to place them on something fire retardant to be on the safe side. But at $10 for 80 cm (31.5 inches) with thermostats, I figured worth checking out.
@nick barta what kind of plywood did you use to build your boxes? And what's your heating source?
I plan on housing 3 or 4 small roach colonies, so I don't need that much space
And I have a 40 breeder with heat tape pad that I got used 10 years ago. So it maybe 20 years old and still going strong. has the heat mat for $8. You have to sign up but they will give you a discount code to use on amazon. If you want the code and you have trouble, ill get the code and give it to you. Search "seedling heat mat" on has the heat mat for $8. You have to sign up but they will give you a discount code to use on amazon. If you want the code and you have trouble, ill get the code and give it to you. Search "seedling heat mat" on

Thanks for the link Nick! I'll definitely check it out.
And let us know how the heat mats from ebay work out. It seems like it's a great deal for the size you're getting
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