Gravid Female Panther...Advice would be accepted


New Member
Hello. My panthers mated on jan 3- jan 7. the last couple days my female has darkened and gotten orange spots or stripes. I'm taking it that she is now gravid. I would like some help along the way to the best upkeep with her. I have already put a 11 inch deep bucket by 11.5 inch diametre filled with washed play sand, with a moisture content of building a sandcastle where she can tunnel and it wont collapse. The temp is about 75-80 F and night 65-70 F. I mist her two or three times a day as well as the plants which are plastic in her teranium. She hasnt seemed to be to active the last days, just kind of hiding behind her vines. I think she is eating because i dont seem to see any crickets running around. I have secluded her with breathable sheets to make it less stree for her. Wondering what else i could do other than make sure plenty of fresh water, up her calcium, and do not disturb her if she starts digging in the sand. Other advice, how long till she would start to lay eggs? is her hiding a common trait when gravid? your input would be greatly appreciated.

I would add pics but this site never let me upload always an error 400. ill keep working on it
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