good ficas for cham?

If your asking is Ficus good for chams then the answer is yes it is safe.

If your asking which kind of ficus, most common would be Weeping Fig (Ficus benjamina), but there are others like Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica) and Creeping Fig (Ficus pumila).

If you are going to post you should probably put a bit more effort into it to get the help you want. Your two word post could be interpreted differently by different people. :rolleyes:
sorry about the unclear message:eek: .. but yes i was referring to what kind.. im looking for a plant that would be a good main plant in my chams 2x2x4 cage
sorry about the unclear message:eek: .. but yes i was referring to what kind.. im looking for a plant that would be a good main plant in my chams 2x2x4 cage

Personally I use Schefflera Arboricola or Schefflera Gold Capella combined with Pothos! They are both very full and offer plenty of hiding spots/shade.
I used majesty palm since I could not find ficus.It looks great and offers plenty to climb on and most importantly its non toxic. In addition I use schefferla too. The two provide plenty of places to hide cause I usually find myself searching for Kai (male veiled).
I have 3 of them, all differnet types (i also have 3 Hisbsicus plants).

(from tallest to shortest)
Ficus Benjamina
Ficus Gingseng - (described as Mondo Verde Bonsai Tree).
Ficus 'Exotica' (or that's what it was called when I bought it, leaves are mixture of green and yellow/white)

The Ficus Gingseng bonsai tree is actulaly my favourite as it is far stronger and more stable than the others (probably a lot older, just heavily trimmed to be a bonsai) but it isn't really that great for a big enclosure unless you let it grow a good bit more. Mine is almost 3 feet tall, including the pot, so could potentially be used.
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