Frita swallowed her tongue?! Pulled it out .

Mine did the same thing as the first video you posted. My friend pulled her hand back really quick when my chameleon went for something in her hand and my chameleon ended up swallowing her tongue. She spit it out on her own but she was shooting her tongue slow like this. The next day it was perfectly fine! :D

The 2nd video kind of looks like its swallowed though.
Penny, I am so sorry that this is happening to Frita. I hope you can get to the vet today. Be safe and careful. Thank goodness you were there to see that something wasn't right, and able to help her all by yourself. I think it's a good sign that the tongue isn't flopping out and that she was trying to use it. My best uneducated guess, would be that it's sore or strained from being swallowed. Poor baby, I feel so bad for her and you. You've really been through the wringer. :(
Atlanta vet

Recommended by an ex-breeder that use to be very active here on the forums.

Dr.Brad Wilson at the veterinary clinic west out of Marietta Georgia was my vet for the chams. Super knowledgable about all herps. He personally breeds poison dart frogs to so his profession is part of his personal interests. I think all he actually does is herps and birds. I highly highly recommend.
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I have her an appt with the vet at 11:30, they couldn't fit me in this morning :( she is sleeping right now, she was up till 11 so I'm letting her sleep till 10. I will hunt down Dr.wilson, I am so sick over this,I was up all night cleaning trying to stay busy. I am praying for her every second of the day. Please keep her in your thoughts, I refuse to lose her. It will not happen. I'll do whatever it takes to get this tongue fixed, but if she lost it we will just cross that bridge when we get there. Thank you Jann. Your help and others have kept me sane. At least I have some insight until I get to the vet.

Happiness it was. I removed it again when my husband got home but it was not swallowed when she went to bed. This time though it look like she is keeping it so far back in the throat.
Best of luck to you, I think your Cham will be alright. It may be expensive for the vet bills but I personally think this can be managed.
Luckily for your Cham, she has a nice owner who takes care of her.
Keep me posted
Hey guys. Well today was rough, I couldn't take Frita myself due to shoots, so hubby had to go it alone with my list of demands and questions. I requested an anti inflammatory and they gave us these drops. She didn't reswallow the tongue and had a chipped tooth from me pulling the tongue out last night. I feel so bad, but keeping her mouth open was so hard alone. I'm happy she got seen, we follow up with the zoo Atlanta herp vet then I'm going to make the switch to dr.wilson. I hate only having access to my specialist once a month. I just misted her, and she was doing well. It's been a long day. 9 hours of shooting and I'm toast. Me and Frita are going to bed!

Oh she was 98 grams. Fatty is on a diet :(
Ugh, we're thinking of you here, PP, and wishing Frita a healthy recovery! PM me if you need to vent or cry on someone :(
Hey zsa, she is a lot better. How is your baby doing? Praying your tongue issues resolve too. I gave her the anti inflammatory drops only two days, she gets one drop only. This morning she ate a super off the wall very close to her face. I'd say she got it out pretty good.

On another note, this morning I found an ad for a male 7 month oustalet that's free to a good home so I'm going to drive to
South ga and look at him. He is missing some finger nails though, he looks so much hogs, but is much skinnier. The person cant. afford the bigger enclosure and new UVB lights, and well well well, I just happen to have a huge enclosure! And new UVB light!!! And blue bottle flies, and supers, and horns, and wax worms!!! Lol

Right now sweet Frita has climbed the curtains in the studio. So I'm
Sitting on the couch watching her. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1391453052.510499.jpg ImageUploadedByTapatalk1391453075.643579.jpg

She cracks me up. I love her so much. She doesn't seem to mad at me today. She came out during her afternoon misting today and came right to me and up the pony tail and perched on my head like a little compass with her head looking at the curtains so I said go for it girl, climb them curtains. (She needs exercise! Lol) 98 grams is ok the vet said but they recommended skipping days on feedings.

Her urates were kind of dark this morning, so a warm misting in the shower is on the schedule tonight.

Just want to say thank you to everyone on here. Choosing to do this as hobby has had it's ups and downs, and iv seen many of you lose chams too, and I just want to say having people to share the loss and joy of owning these animals is a huge blessing. Thank you from the bottom of both my husbands And my heart for being such a helpful great forums. Have a great Monday! It's hubbies day off and we are getting outta the house and taking our four year old son to hibachi tonight. Good times!
Ugh, we're thinking of you here, PP, and wishing Frita a healthy recovery! PM me if you need to vent or cry on someone :(

Lathis lol no more tears!!! I am so much better today. This hobby can be scary but I feel more confident today than ever in being able to care for Frita. I mean I removed her tongue all by myself! I'm proud I had the guts to try. I ordered a book on Chams and their anatomy and I really want to get serious about learning about them. Of course everyone here is my biggest resource! Thank you for wishing me well.
I am so happy for you guys! And a possible new cham?? Would be wonderful! I wish you all the best!
My little boy's tongue is not better,but thank you. Iust give 2 days for him to relax his tongue. I hope it will help!
Did I miss something? did you find out what was wrong with her? What did the vet say to you and why she had these tongue problems? I think I read everything in this thread but it seems to have skipped some parts!

Glad to see she is better and has the strength to play on your blinds, I need to start doing that!
Foshizzle- the vet said they have no idea why she swallowed the tongue, but that the fast action of removing it saved it. She got anti inflammatory drop, 1x drop a day for 1 week. She isn't shooting the tongue currently. I think her mouth might be hurt from me holding it open, I'm requesting an xray on the 8th when she see the zoo Atlanta herp vet. So it's pretty much chalked up to a freak accident. But as of this morning she is doing ok still.
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