Free ranging?


Established Member
My male panther chameleon has started getting more and more restless. Unsure if it’s just him looking for a girlfriend or what. Danny originally came from petland and was purchased by a friend of mine who then passed him to me.

His colors are muted so I was led to believe head a female until very recently.
He started walking along the screen of the cage so I opened the door and let him roam about my room for about 20 minutes. His color was a little brighter than the above picture, which is his usual state. He looked happy! When it came time to put him back he didn’t fight me and seemed happy to go back to his home.

His cage isn’t as big as it should be. I think it’s only 16x16x30. (I know, not the greatest but it was what the former owner had bought and I didn’t want to stress him by changing it right away. I’ve only had him a couple weeks)

So until I can get a new one I was hoping to set up somewhere comfortable for him to free range while I’m at home and able to supervise. I’ve got hanging plants and the craft store has realistic looking vines I thought about spreading around his area for him to climb. Would this be a smart idea until I can find/build an enclosure or should I just focus my investment on getting a bigger cage?
Do you have other pictures of him, with his regular colors and from his tail base? Just to be sure he is actually a he.
Free ranging is an option if the circumstances are okay, meaning a chameleon safe room (because in the beginning will find a way to escape) Then you to check how to supply UVB and heat, as well as water and humidity. Check my blog in my signature for some free range inspiration.
Do you have other pictures of him, with his regular colors and from his tail base? Just to be sure he is actually a he.
Free ranging is an option if the circumstances are okay, meaning a chameleon safe room (because in the beginning will find a way to escape) Then you to check how to supply UVB and heat, as well as water and humidity. Check my blog in my signature for some free range inspiration.
Pretty sure he’s a boy. I’ve found what I believe to be sperm deposits on the branches. I only hope to let him free range for maybe a little while each day.
O yes, in these pictures definitely boy.

I would go for the larger enclosure, because 16*16*30 is really small, required minimum is 24*24*48 or even bigger. Replacing him would stress him for only one day, however the benefits are way bigger then that one day stress.
O yes, in these pictures definitely boy.

I would go for the larger enclosure, because 16*16*30 is really small, required minimum is 24*24*48 or even bigger. Replacing him would stress him for only one day, however the benefits are way bigger then that one day stress.
Thanks for the help! Thankfully I got a promotion at my job so more money = sooner I can get him an upgrade!
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