

New Member
hi I have a veiled chameleon and just wonder how many crickets do i give her i was giving her 5 small one she is still small please help me?:) kelly
hello 5 months you would have to feed him anything he wanted, provided that the dams will fit in your mouth
At five months, I was feeding my panther chameleon 15-20 quarter inch crickets a day. 5 is not enough! Are you supplementing your cham with vitamins and gutloading your crickets with fresh fruits and veggies?
I would feed her as much as she will eat in a couple of minutes at each feeding and you should be able to be feeding her every second day now. Once she is sexually mature you want to be careful not to overfeed her. With veiled females if you overfeed them once they are sexually mature they may produce large clutches of eggs.
Offer her as many crickets as she can eat within about 5 minutes. This will make sure she is eating enough to get full and is not overeating. At 5 months you should definitely offer her more than just 5 small crickets a day though. She still has some growing to do.
I agree with Kinyonga

edit: I'll add that it would be good, imo, to offer some variety - not just crickets. butterworms, indian walking sticks, terrestrial isopods, superworms, roaches, ....
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This comes from the Raising Kitty the Veiled Blog:


During the first six months of a veiled chameleon's life, it has an amazing appetite. Reptiles are extremely good at converting food into body mass, and grow at an amazing rate during this time. However, at this stage of life they should not have access to as much as they can eat (please see specific care for females) which could be up to 25 or 30 small crickets a day! Rather they should be grown at a slower pace and offered 5 to 8 feeders per day. Growing them too fast could lead to problems with MBD as well as other developmental issues.
This should taper at about six months old and by one year of age the chameleon will most likely do quite well on three to five insects once every other day or so.
Vitamin and mineral supplementation should continue throughout the animals life (see supplements page)

Here is a link:Raising Kitty
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