First Enclosure + DIY Dripper (56k no way) Lots of Pix and One Buddha

Citizen Snips

New Member
DIY Dripper

This dripper is elevated from the screen allowing a good flow of water droplets to reach farther into the cage which prevents pools of water from forming on the screen.

1. 2 Propel water bottles

1. Xacto Knife
2. Lighter


Cut one bottle in half, remove the bottom portion and make sure the bottom is flush to prevent tipping over. The middle portion lifts the water supply 2-3 inches from the screen.

Put them together.

Also can use larger bottle.


I use a lighter to heat the cap, so it's easier to puncture with a wall tack. Be sure to poke from the inside so the water can drip more easily.




First Enclosure

Currently, no live plants are involved...yet. Basking temp is 84-90, ambient is 75-80, and night time is 65-73. Humidity 45-70%. It includes one small Exo Terra Vine securely zip tied, one Jungle Vine (works awesome and the details are really amazing). Every branch is bendable and is easy to form, but sturdy and realistic. Also, one vine that wraps around the Exo Terra mostly because it was a lot stronger and made things easier to stay in shape plus looks great. One small Marijuana Plant covers the ugly Habba Mister : ). And a high school lunch tray collects the droppings and water. There is also my favorite Buddha statue that I purchased in Italy in 2004. All the furnishings are from Reptile Supply and cost no more than 20 dollars shipped, and a few branches and silk leaves from Screameleons. The enclosure and lights can from Screameleons as well. Now, I'm just waiting for my male BB Panther 2 months to ship out next week! Thanks for reading and checking this out.


Basking Perch




From the old Godzilla movies :cool:
I am really into easy. I have tried every dripper I could find. My husband even made a gravity feed. None of them made me happy. Now I use a gallon milk carton, the plastic kind. I take a pin, stick a hole in it and there is a dripper.

It is ok, I know I am lazy.
i like the idea of it suspended so it can drop the droplets through the screen..ive just always bought the little really lazy..
Wow I didn't even think of doing that... I get annoyed by my cup dripper because it creates the pool on the top of the screen im like..... -_- Im totally doing that today!!
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