finally back!

chameleon guy

New Member
well i never really went anywhere but hey everyone. I was actually busy from HIGH SCHOOL! I like it but my grades need improvement, my french teacher is a jackass, and I'm getting tortured by this kid with autism, no offense. I put back those frogs everyone got upset at me about, but I got goldfish! two fantails, two red and white orandas, and one ryukin. oh and unfortunately some body who went to my school died, search up kid dies by golf mill, (the mall). I don't know exactly but I was told that these two kids were fighting over some girl, one just so happened to be in a new rising gang and happened to see the other guy in front of JCpenny. News is that the kid died like three days ago, but he was on life support for some time.:(

feel free to ask questions. nothing about the kid though
Talk about the most random post ever. Your topics changed faster than the amount of times you used used "I".

Excited much?

Welcome back to the world of chameleonforums where nobody judges anyone. (Cough cough)
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