fertile or not

lol :D my male has been striving since i got him. before he was in a exo terra terrainium with a waterfall which didnt work and a few silk plants. i think i have just been unlucky and bought all th mistreated chams lol not that i would have any others they r the best
He seems strong in the pic, holding himself up and all - but his arms are severely bowed - he HAD MBD at one point in his life, there is no doubt about that. Kinyonga is right.

Also - I'd cut back on feeding of your female - 68 eggs is high, and it will surely shorten her life to produce so many eggs. You basically get a set amount of eggs from each female over her life - if it's spread out over many, smaller clutches, once or twice a year, or all in 2-3 clutches, over a very short lifespan. Plus, they recover much easier when laying smaller clutches (under 40)
Eric is right you should cut down on her food intake. Kinyonga wrote an article in brad ramseys care sheet about slowing the egg production down and even stopping. You should read up on this. Even though you dont plan on mating her again they can still lay clutches from sperm retention. A female veiled can also produce eggs without ever being mated. Def watch for the signs that she is gravid again.
joefarah asked..."Kinyonga, are you saying that because of the way his legs look?"...yes. The female also has a small bump on her right arm below the elbow and her lips are slightly parted.

paulgrant said..."i do not intend to breed her again for a long while"...she will likely lay another clutch even if she is not bred. There may be retained sperm and some of the clutch may be fertile...or maybe the whole clutch will be infertile....but I would bet on there being another clutch.

Since you don't know if the next clutch will have any fertile eggs, this leaves you with a dilemma...to feed as if she will have fertile eggs or to cut her down to slow down the reproduction...IMHO.
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