Female laying eggs question

Glad it all went well!
To cut down on the number of eggs cut her diet a little
...to keep it the same, feed her the way you were before she was gravid. (33 eggs is a little high IMHO.)
Glad it all went well!
To cut down on the number of eggs cut her diet a little
...to keep it the same, feed her the way you were before she was gravid. (33 eggs is a little high IMHO.)
Thank you!! How much should I cut down? I’m feeling her 8-10 crickets every other day. Should I do 6-8 every other day?
Thank you!! How much should I cut down? I’m feeling her 8-10 crickets every other day. Should I do 6-8 every other day?
I would say that should be a good number....maybe even 5 to 7 every second day. There's no definite number...I find you just have to try it to see.

Basking temperature cans be lowered a bit for females that you are trying to slow down/stop from producing just to help them not be so hungry. (Low 80's)

I've been able to shut off the reproduction completely with veileds but I only slow it down on panthers. My female veileds almost always live to be 7 doing this for example...and if you decide to breed the diet can be brought back up and reproduction will start again.
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I cup feed gutloaded dubias until they stop to swallow hard- usually 5 to 12 every other day.. Gut load meal worms with (date palm dates) when i can find them and Apple/ veggies hand feed roughly 10 to 15 a week and let them hunt gutloaded very litely dusted crickets free range in the enclosure roughly 20-30 a week no more than 10 dropped in cage at a time. Horn worms soldier fly and silks are a special treat that I try to have on hand for my new mom's. Feed in moderation with the lady's cause i worry they will over do it and pop they become so ravenous. Watch for the hard swallow-Tilts head back and pushes the chewed bugs down into her stomach with tongue that's when I move to the next cage with my big cup of bugs. Gives her time to digest what she has before passing it and limit possibility of internal ruptures as rare or impossible as it may be. These things are built to binge and fast but it takes alot out of the females those nutrients are crucially important to replenish so I dust allitle more liberally as well. Congrats and best of luck :)
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