Frank Castle
New Member
I know there isnt really a science to feeding Chams. I have a Veiled that is just shy of 5 months old. He is about 5 inch's long from snout to vent. I currently feed him about 5-6, 1/2" crickets a day for 2 days. On the third day I give him 10 meal worms(small ones) and 2 wax worms. The crickets are Gutloaded with the store bought gutload, and calcium dusted every time currently. The worms get dusted with Reptivite every feeding. He looks health and growing.
My concern is, Am I over supplimenting him? Am I feeding him to much, to little. I dont want to get into any problems of him growing to fast, but on the same account I dont want to stunt his growth. I will try and get some current pictures of him when I get home from work. The pic in my gallery was almost 3 weeks ago and he is noticably bigger in size. Any advice? Thank you.
My concern is, Am I over supplimenting him? Am I feeding him to much, to little. I dont want to get into any problems of him growing to fast, but on the same account I dont want to stunt his growth. I will try and get some current pictures of him when I get home from work. The pic in my gallery was almost 3 weeks ago and he is noticably bigger in size. Any advice? Thank you.