eyes open and closed???


New Member
My veiled chameleon had the lightbulb explode in the terrarium due to some water being sprayed on it. it looks like nothing went in the tank he has his eyes open right now but when i put him in the tank he was walking around trying to get onto branchs and stuff but he wasnt even close to branchs his moving around my bed right now i took a qtip to each eye he ran but didnt change color he looks normal like ever other day but im just worried cause in the tank he was acting weird so i think that the problem might actualy be the tank any ideas?? his eyes are open now tho

Chameleon Info:

* Your Chameleon - Mo is 4-5 months about 3-4 inches with out tail, i have had him for about a week now
* Handling - a coupletimes today and 1 time when i need to move him i use the plant hes on
* Feeding - 4-6 crix a day, i wanna give more but theres always 1-3 crix left
* Supplements - repcal multi vitamins once a week and repcal calcim with d3
* Watering - 2-5 times a day misting, i lightly mist his face and usually after a few squirts he drinks
* Fecal Description - the picture at the top here is prolli a couple hours old
* History - had him for about a week pet store said no problems there

Cage Info:

* Cage Type -bottom half glass top half screen with a screen top
* Lighting - rep cal 100w basking bulb and a 5.0 uvb lightbulb
* Temperature - day 80-90 usualle about 87, bottom during the day 78 usually and night time sits between 60-70 on nights its really cold out side but generally 70-75
* Humidity - this fluxuates between 20-80 i dont know how to control this
* Plants -pothos i believe its called and then a few fake plants then different size branchs
* Placement - the tank sits on an end table in the wreck room of my basement and it sits about 4'-4 1/2
* Location - not sure what this means


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did you clean the tank after the bulb explossion, alot of bulbs have harmfull chemicals inside them that may have gone into the tank
yes i did immediatly after i he seems perfectly fine out of his tank or at least he seems fine,
have you got a calcium w/o d3 for daily suplimenting. as well as the other suggestions that where made on your other thread.
have you got a calcium w/o d3 for daily suplimenting. as well as the other suggestions that where made on your other thread.

i havent got it yet im picking it up on monday becauseof no cash and what about a 50 wat buld it can get a little cold in my place would this 50 w be warm enough?/
as fas as the watage goes whatever you need to use to get a basking area in the 85 range is kool, but the calcium is important, it says you are in canada where ecactly maybei can get some to you untill you can get some. in the mean time i would stopdusting your crickets, also r u measuring the humidity yet..
how big is your cage and what size crickets are you feeding? For his age he should be eating alot more than 4-6 a day unless they are really big crickets. Also "Fecal Description" is his poop. i am not sure what you meant by your answer.
how big is your cage and what size crickets are you feeding? For his age he should be eating alot more than 4-6 a day unless they are really big crickets. Also "Fecal Description" is his poop. i am not sure what you meant by your answer.

he was refering to a pic in one of his other threads and i belive meant to say "it is probubly a few hours old" lol
he was refering to a pic in one of his other threads and i belive meant to say "it is probubly a few hours old" lol

I live in stoney creek ontario, my chameleon is 4 1/2-5 1/2 months old he is eating med size crickets and i also think he should be eating more to but hes not
and yes it was suppose to say it was a few hours old all his droppings are very moist and range from a yellowish white colour to a yellow colour.
that is ok for now, but you are gonna need a bigger cage soon. Recomended size is a 24 X 24 X 48. Have you tried introducing other feeders such as silkworms, hornworms, superworms etc? He might be getting tired of just eating crickets.
oh ok on the poop! I was just wondering what type of enclosure you have him in and what size it is?

about this cricket deit. i read about baby chams, and there suppose to be eating 10 or so a day. but i throwin 6 or so a day and theres always a few left. maybe there to big and i should try smaller crickets. these medium ones do seem a bit large how do i tell what size he should be eating, the store i got them from reccomended feeding him every other day.
that is ok for now, but you are gonna need a bigger cage soon. Recomended size is a 24 X 24 X 48. Have you tried introducing other feeders such as silkworms, hornworms, superworms etc? He might be getting tired of just eating crickets.

i havent fed a whole lot of those worms to him but in the week i have had him i fed him 2 horned worms 4 butterworms but one he didnt eat it died, i tried meal worms but he didnt eat it now that i think about it i should try maybe more then just one, and i fed him one super worm, and a grey looking worm. should i feed more then what i am and if so how do i keep stuff like that??
No, they are wrong. your chameleon at his age should be fed everyday. I was feeding my cham at that age 1/4- 3/8 inch crickets. I would order them 1/4 inch and they would grow. I would try and feed them off before they got too big. He was eating about 15 a day. Here is a size chart to give you an idea. General rule is the body of the cricket should not exceed the width between your chameleon's eyes.http://www.nyworms.com/cricketchart.htm
i havent fed a whole lot of those worms to him but in the week i have had him i fed him 2 horned worms 4 butterworms but one he didnt eat it died, i tried meal worms but he didnt eat it now that i think about it i should try maybe more then just one, and i fed him one super worm, and a grey looking worm. should i feed more then what i am and if so how do i keep stuff like that??

try and stick more with the crickets and some worms more as treats. Alot of chameleons get very picky and start preferring the worms over the crickets. Mine included!!!!
try and stick more with the crickets and some worms more as treats. Alot of chameleons get very picky and start preferring the worms over the crickets. Mine included!!!!

Wow i think that the size im buyin is 3/8 to 1/2 closer to 1/2. how often did you feed silk worms, horn worms, butter worms, etc. im going to try a smaller size cricket maybe he will eat more then.

about the size i need to upgrade later. i kinda figured that i would have to do that but i have a question. when i get my own place i want to leave the lid open and have vines out of it and plants up the wall kinda give it a room for free run type of deal
Whatever larger enclosure you decide on, You will need to consider the little guys rapid growth and growing need for sufficient hydration. At present your lizards poo says 'beginning to need more water'.
To this end, you will find misting alone becomes increasing short of its needs.
If your cage /area has live plants, misting the leaves will help some for a while,
but you will notice that white part of the poo turn from occasionally yellowish to orange.
Along with this your lizard will likely begin chewing on leaves to gain moisture.
Now the situation is saying 'Dude, wheres my water?"
I recommend either an automatic mister or/and a dripper system to ensure it gets plenty of water and the poo stays white.
White means 'This is as good as it gets!" :)
So since youll have more water flowing through the lizards world, you will need to think about incorporating good simple drainage into your plans.
Cheers :)
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