Eye mutation

She looks pretty healthy otherwise :) do you flush her eyes regularly as maintenance or does she seem to manage by herself?

gpmo (her)
I had 3 veilds hatch from a batch of about 40 some years back that had this same issue with both eyes. It was very strange. Before i could get it figured out they all three passed. Good luck with this guy.
very cute.. with her mutation..
i sleep with my eyes open for most part too.. so ive been told creepy all the same ...lol

Here's the lastest picture of crazy eyes. She got to spend the weekend outside, and I'm sure she grew a cm, from Saturday to Sunday.
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Update picture

Took a update picture this morning, before work. Eye lids are starting to fill in a bit more.
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Update picture

Had to take a few pictures of a panther for potential buyer, and snapped one of Marty to. Since I already had the camera out. She was kinda out in the open and looking for her next meal.
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besides these last two update pics it looks like it was getting worse as she grew, but these last two pics look like the eyes are filling in. most noticeably the corners seem to be filling in.

**weird to think of a cham with eyelids that have "corners"
Update picture

3-4-11 update.

I have noticed, not by choice, that she sleeps with eyes open. Just missing that extra skin to cover, or close them. She just shed a few days ago, and continues to grow.

??? Would you mate her. I have refrained from doing so, and she not laid any clutches so far.
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Whoa...that's an intense stare! I would not breed her in case there is a heritable component to her condition. Even if it doesn't pop up in her immediate offspring I wouldn't want that gene to perpetuate in the population, especially with the risk of fewer imports in the future. Maybe not the near future, but it will happen eventually so it would be better to have the best genetics we can preserve now. Jmo. Glad she's doing well though!
Eh, unless you have limited incubator space I would just breed her. Especially if her temperament is good and all that. No other way to know if it is genetic! IF the babies come out with weird eyes then you might not want to breed THEM. Even if the babies have the eye thing its possible that is is another factor like nutrition or temperature...
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