Eye Irritation from bulbs.


New Member
So, I knew there were stories about eye irritation from some UVB bulbs, but I honestly thought they were all out of circulation. Now, however, I'm not so sure. I'd bought a zoomed reptisun bulb a while ago, and never really thought about it, but after my cham had his recent eye problem, with two rounds of eye drops and no improvement, I took the bulb away. I replaced it with a t8 bar and have been giving him extra hydration and plenty of time outside in the *real* sun. Over the past few days, I've been seeing the first real improvement since this issue first began (the eye was a bit sunken, as though irritated, and then runny with clear discharge. No sign of infection, but I took him to the vet to be sure.) Is it possible I got one of the bad bulbs and it irritated his eye? He continues to improve without it, so there's no way I'm putting it back. Plus, it's summer now, so he gets a LOT of outdoor time in his "summer home." Just looking to hear if anyone else had encountered issues with the Reptisun. (this style http://www.amazon.com/Zoo-Med-Repti...TF8&qid=1401145024&sr=8-8&keywords=zoo+med+uv)
From my limited understanding I thought that the old models had been causing problems with eyes but the newer ones were safe, but they kept the reputation and some people still believe it. The bars are recommended over them but I thought that was because of better UV coverage not becuase they cause eye problems. Glad he is doing better, sorry I couldn't really give you any real information but I saw that nobody had replied so I thought I'd say something. Atleast the threads been bumped up so more will see it.
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