exo terra jungle vines


New Member
is there a difference between the waterproof kind and the non-waterproof kind? I just bought the one without the waterproof label..
Are you talking about the ones that are smooth and the ones that have a sand paper consistency? I have both and my cham definitely likes the ones that are rougher feeling, i'm sure they feel more secure with the stronger grip.
Yeah one is waterproof and the other isn't.... :p lol I would doubt there would be a difference, Im sure just one is waterproof. I have the same one you just bought and its awesome.
hmmm.. I also have the waterproof ones and its great. :D I don't want the non-waterproof one to be falling apart from long-term use.. :(
Yeah I doubt the non water-proof one would hold up very well with how humid and the consistent misting that we go through for the love of these reptiles lol
I have both and i do not notice the chams prefering one or the other. I however definatly perfer the smoother ones. They can be cleaned alot easier and I find they hold a bend better.
the non-water proof one is the smoother one right? its expensive here.. i jus bought one for sgd37+.. then i realise its non waterproof.. lllreptile only sell usd11+ :-( so are both the same in terms of durability?
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