Espresso Molting Soon


Chameleon Enthusiast
One of my G. Pulchra juveniles has been in premolt since I got him/her, they seem to be reaching the precipice of the molting time, lethargy is showing through, less reaction, no hunger signs. Now it's just a waiting game. Necco, the other one, shows mild signs of premolt but likely have at least a month before having to worry.
Rearranging Espresso.jpg

This is Espresso pretty far into premolt territory, I don't have any of Necco yet other than the unboxing vid. Will have to take a couple in a bit.
They don't shed, like most species with exoskeletons its different and therefore called molting, AND is much more dangerous than reptile shedding. Even if everything goes right something simple can still go wrong and be life threatening.
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