Enter the Mighty Ducks Man, Chameleo Estevez


New Member
Chameleo Estevez, New Cham with Pics

Doug Butabi: So anyways, I was standing there waiting to use the pay phone.
Steve Butabi: Yeah, he was, seriously.
Doug Butabi: And this guy who was on the phone, turns around and tips his hat like this.
Steve Butabi: And who do you think that guy was?
Doug Butabi: Chameleo Estevez.
Steve Butabi: The Mighty Duck man, I swear to God, I was there.
Doug Butabi: Of course you were, you were the one who yelled the Breakfast Clubber's name.
Steve Butabi: I was like, "CHAMEEEeeeeeeleooooo"


So today this babysitter became an owner. 4/5 month old ambilobe from KevinA. He still has a quite a few left, and let me tell you they are lively little dudes. We chose Chameleo cause he was pretty big and seriously active. He crawled all over and totally gaped at me when I first picked him up. I liked his bad attitude so he came home with me. He also crawled up my face and got a leg caught in my hair, always charming.

Sadly the drive home from the valley to LBC was crappy. Poor guy was stuck in his little make shift gladware home till then. We hit alot of random saturday traffic, I am sure he was just as unhappy about it as us.

Got home, wrapped my walls in some clear vinyl, as per Chamelisa's suggestion. Fixed the branches to be more steady. Potted some stuff to cover the dirt, and covered the rest with rocks after I cleaned them.

Here is my setup. You can see most of it in my old thread.
16x16x30 or something around that.
18" UVB Reptisun 5.0
Zoo Med Basking Spot Lamp, 50w
Big Old Cheap Shefflera from Lowes
Larger Bonsai Pot with legs
Cleaned Branches
Acurite Cheap Humidity/Thermometer
Nifty Hand Pump mister

Drainage is through holes in PVC sitting on a dish drying rack with a collection bucket underneath.

Tossed the little guy in. Gave him a mist, he didn't really drink, but he cleaned his eyes up.

I bought 20 crickets from the local store. They were fed some kind of grain. I grabbed 3 to feed him now and put the rest in a temporary plastic bin with some Sticky Tongue gutload and a slice of apple.

The first cricket he snatched up from almost a body length away. It was crazy, I missed it but, my girlfriend Kayleigh and her mother saw it. Kayleigh's mom's first time seeing a chameleon eat in person, she was amazed!

The other 2 he gobbled right up, that is where Kayleigh snapped the feeding picture above. Actually he let 2 of the crickets sit in his mouth for like 20 seconds before he started to chomp them down and eat them. Maybe he was nervous about eating right away with three crazy people watching him?

Anyways, an hour later it was lights out. He is curled right up and seems to be sleeping, I can't really see.




"Get me higher!"


"Not high enough"


Top of the tower


Okay, time to go in. After I took him off my head he was getting upset.


ANGRY. Okay, now it's really time to go in your new home.


Checkin the place out



His colors really cooled down after the first mist and feed.

Special thanks:

Elisa/Chamelisa; She says it's just her job, but what she did for Maggie was amazing. I saw both of them today, and Maggie is looking 20 shades of green better. Elisa has given me insane amounts of advice and put up with my constant barrage of questions. I appreciate her very much, and it was great making a new friend over these past couple weeks. The impact she makes on all these animals lives must be huge.

Dave Weldon; Thank you Dave, for letting me come over and scratch that itch that was my curiosity. He provided an insane amount of knowledge in the couple hours we hung out at his house and I really can't wait to pick away more at that knowledge he is so full of. Thank you Dave, for your generosity in lending me a juvenile cage, I can't thank you enough for that. Hopefully he outgrows it fast!

Summoner12/Kevin; Thanks for providing both comic relief, abrasive humor, and a great wealth of information. Another new friend I have made in these past couple of weeks. His knowledge and accessibility are an amazing asset to have, his humor is just icing on the cake.

Kevin A: Providing me with a healthy happy juvenile. You can tell he took special care of these guys and I am happy my guy is drinking and settling in fast. Totally happy, thank you very much Kevin!

Man, Chameleo must have had a long crazy day. Time for sleep.
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Aw, I love Night at the Roxbury! What an awesome little fella..

I rubberneck a lot too..;)
Thanks BB, my girlfriend HATES the name, so she is calling him Two Bit perhaps.

Pretty much, I am going to recite brat pack lines to him all day, everyday.

I thought of the name as a joke, but it is so amazing it has to stay.

Dude, I fed him right before you guys came over, He must have eaten more than he ever has in 1 day today;)

He could be on large crickets pretty soon. He's already eaten them. It should save on the food costs(larger crickets=less quanity). Give a few a try in a week or two.


This is always my favorite time! They look so awesome when they break out:cool::D


wow, he looks pretty big here



BTW, I use the same sprayer! It's a good one. Do me a favor, check the down tube for lubricant and wash it best you can if it has some on it.

I'm glad you have one of the guys I produced! It's hard giving them up to people you don't know or just met and really great when you see them go to good homes.

Nice seeing you guys today!
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A pleasure meeting you. I noticed the residue in the downstem actually and already gave it the rinse out with some water and soap.

Really happy with him, I was gonna give him 2, but the third got loose from the cricket box, so I was like, eh toss him in, BLAM, he was gone in seconds. At least I know he has a good appetite, I better watch how much he eats.

Anyways, can't wait to see this guy turn into a giant.
He is already a beautiful little guy. He should be stunning when grown. Glad you did buy from one of the breeders here on the forum. Congrats.
He is already a beautiful little guy. He should be stunning when grown. Glad you did buy from one of the breeders here on the forum. Congrats.

Thank you Laurie. As one of the first people who welcomed me to the forum, it's lovely to get a comment from you. Looking forward to the future.

I just checked him out with what little ambient light there was. Looks like he is out cold. He really digs the top basking branch it seems.
Right now the humidity is about 42% and the temp where he is resting is 75. By tonight the house should cool to a little under 70.
Hey there Chris! Great seeing you all today. Your little panther lookes awesome and your set-up is perfect.

If I can help with anything or you just want to chat, you know where to find me.
Good stuff!

niiice cham! They look really good Kevin. Maybe next weekend I can snag one from you... or during the week if you don't mind me coming after work

...time for some bugs Chris ;)

And thanks for the good words :D
Thank you for the compliments everyone.

I gave him a good mist this morning and he cleaned his eyes up and stood in his basking spot and let me mist his back end for a little bit. At the end of the mist I began spraying the crap out of the ceiling so the water builds up in big drops there. As soon as I did that he scuttled to the top and drank a ton. He just stopped and began basking again.

Breakfast time in a second then he can enjoy his solitude once again.
Looks like you picked a great little guy! KevinA's babies are healthy and beautiful. Good luck, you've got all the contacts and info you could need. Now comes the fun part, watching them eat and grow! Congrats!:)
Hey Tylene!
Fun indeed. I just watched him gobble up 5 crickets happily.

So excited to see him grow, thank you very much for the compliments. See you next month at the meeting.
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