ENCLOSURE nearly finished !


New Member
Heres my enclosure its nearly finised it just needs a mesh door and mesh screen on the side. I have chosen to go half plywood half mesh because I live in england and my bedroom usually is COLD. also I would like to build a fake rock backround on the plywood out of two 25mm 4ft by 2ft sheets of styrofoam but think it might take up to much space as it will be eleminating 50mm in cage :S what do you guys think of both the cage and the rock wall idea?? critisism is welcome! :)


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What kind of chameleon are you housing? I wouldn't bother with the fake rock background. Crickets tend to chew on them, and it will take up valuable space, as you already mentioned.
So far so good. Make sure the wood is treated because your enclosure will be exposed to a lot of moisture. What are you doing for drainage?
its going to house a panther cham for the drainage im going to put a sheet of pvc at the bottom and silivcone it in
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