Discoid or Dubia


New Member
Hey guys going to start up a roach colony but i have been reading and have come up with many people praising both these bugs as great feeders. I dont want a colony of each so I figured I would just ask you guys which you preferred?
I have dubia. They are easy to keep and multiple fast. There's also some for sale here in the classified section.
generally bigger 2"
slower breeders
not easily sexable

generally smaller 1.5"-2"
faster breeders
softed exo-skeleton
easily sexable (males have wings & females dont)

are great feeders
cannot climb glass
cannot fly
do not bite
dont stink

it really is what you prefer
i have both by accident supposed to have dubia but got a few discoid tbh the adult discoids are too big wheras my adult chams take adult dubias great but i think discoids would be fine for mellers and parsonii but as said above they are nearly identical
Thanks for the advice guys. I think i will go with the dubia's. I like the idea of a slower moving roach as im not so sure anyone would be to happy if one of these little guys got away from me.
I wouldn't feed my veiled adult dubia. She would eat them no problem but I've read on here where the can cut or scratch their insides. I feed off the medium and save the adults to make more babies.
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