Dirt Questions...


New Member
:eek: So at first when I put Cammie into the Cricket Keeper with some tropical soil. I caught her covering herself with mudd and digging like a mad person. Seriously thought she was gravid and her digging maked me get the giggles.. Then after I fed her some wax worms today she has started digging again.. Is it possible that she is either hunting for worms or tunneling?
If she is tunneling what kind of dirt is appropriate for her wanting to be under ground? :rolleyes:

:mad:I FIGURED IT OUT.. She's Allergic to the soil.. Coco Tropical soil 8 Bucks for a brick and it kills them.. She was freaking out trying to dig herself out... Go figure.. Anyway she got a rub down and a warm bath. You never see how cute they are till they're sick.. Thanks for the Posts.
Does she look like she's trying to dig a hole or is she just moving the soil around?
I always use washed playsand for the substrate for them to dig in.
place a 3-5 gallon empty paint bucket or 12" bin (all new of course) and fill it up with washed play sand. leave about 2" from the top. place it in her cage and leave her be. do not feed any more fatty foods like wax worms, wax worms dont really even serve a purpose in a healthy chameleon's diet.

just leave her be and give her all the privacy she can have, even cover the front of her cage with a pillow sheet or something.
if she catches you or anyone watching her or keeping an eye on her, she can abandon the hole. stop digging completely, and become egg bound which will result in a vet vist. oxytocin injections, or the worst.. surgery. most likely she will die.
i've had it happen

best of luck
Um.. no!! The people I bought her from said she is too little to be egg bound.. I was just asking about tunneling. She has dug like 4 holes down to the bottom it's driving me bonkers. Cause I think she doesn't have enough room to make tunnels. But she has her smarty pants on.. I think I need more information of Chameleons making tunnels.
Chams don't dig unless they are going to lay eggs. How big is your cham and is the cricket keeper what you are keeping her in full time? If it is, you're going to need to make serious changes on how you keep your chameleon or she won't last long at all.
They could have been not very experienced with them. It's wiser to listen to the forum and get her the proper things for her to lay EGGS, or else she'll become eggbound and die.
I'd like to bump this and find out if you did or did not give her the proper egg laying things.

Her Chameleon is a baby.....she doesn't need a bin just yet. Nobody asked how old she was......:confused:.
Anyway, I checked the photos in her gallery to be sure.........
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