Cricket Setup

I bought the biggest rubbermaid Wallmart had, and now store 5,000 for the month. I use oats, fruits, vegatables, and water crystals soaked in vitamic c to raise the crickets immune system so they don't get die off. Once they are about to be fed, they move to the luxory condo with food to gutload. My temps are around 70-80 F. year around, so I don't use lights or anything for them. Screen aluminum on the bottom to let the frass fall through. Makes cleaning so much easier.

Does the vit. C actually make a difference compared to non-Vit.C soaked crystals?
i just use a 40gal breeder for my 4 inches of dirt, handfull of cooked moss in 1 corner for babys to hid and like 15-20 tp tubes on the other side.

mist them when the dirt gets dry, throw collared greens in for them to eat and get fluids between mistings, and one part i nver mist for thier food.
i have around 1k crickets in it from babys to full grown.
once a month i buy 60 large crickets to help keep the gene pool from drying out.

screen lid and house bult for light / heat.
when its going to be a hot day i leave the light off and they still get light and have been doing fine like this for lil over a year not

So you house the babies in the same bin as the adults? The adults don't eat the eggs and babies?
i have used the same tub setup with large holes cut in the sides and top. holes covered with aluminum screen glued with epoxy. i get crickets by the 500 for my female and they never last longer than a week...even when i transferred them into a clean bin every 3 or 4 days and cleaned the dirty one. i juststarted a black soldier fly composter bucket to start raising phoenix worms.

Sometimes crickets have a type of disease that will spread throughout the colony and create mass die-offs. No one really knows how this happens.
Sometimes crickets have a type of disease that will spread throughout the colony and create mass die-offs. No one really knows how this happens.

ok thanks but isn't there some type of cricket that doesnt carry disease? also are the phoenix worms a good idea for my staple feeder?
ok thanks but isn't there some type of cricket that doesnt carry disease? also are the phoenix worms a good idea for my staple feeder?

I don't think there is a cricket that doesn't carry it, but there are plenty that you can get without the disease. It's probably something with the company that they are from. And I would not say that phoenix worms should be a staple feeder.
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