With a move coming in my near future I had been tossing around some ideas.
Which ever new house I end up with, 1/2 or more of the basement will be mine for the "frog" room. Depending on size I would like to set up a free range for a couple mellers. The only reason I have not done this currently is I do not have door on the current frog room and having 2 cats worry me.
Which is better Fake or real plants? I use real plants on all of my frog/ gecko tanks but was not sure how well most would stand up to a large chameleon.
Is hand misting ok or should I set up a mister system? I had mist the frog tanks 1-2 times a day so more misting would not really be an issue.
Now on to feeding - Do you cup feed or hand feed?
And lastly lights - if I provide a couple different places with basking lights will they use them?
This will not be happenning for atleast another 6-8 months so I have plenty of time for planning and getting the set up right.
Thank you in advance for the help
Which ever new house I end up with, 1/2 or more of the basement will be mine for the "frog" room. Depending on size I would like to set up a free range for a couple mellers. The only reason I have not done this currently is I do not have door on the current frog room and having 2 cats worry me.
Which is better Fake or real plants? I use real plants on all of my frog/ gecko tanks but was not sure how well most would stand up to a large chameleon.
Is hand misting ok or should I set up a mister system? I had mist the frog tanks 1-2 times a day so more misting would not really be an issue.
Now on to feeding - Do you cup feed or hand feed?
And lastly lights - if I provide a couple different places with basking lights will they use them?
This will not be happenning for atleast another 6-8 months so I have plenty of time for planning and getting the set up right.
Thank you in advance for the help