I have a female veiled chameleon, I got her about 40 days ago. The person I bought her from said she was a male, but a bit of research at home said otherwise. So I don't know if she could have been with a male before I got her. She just layed 8 eggs and seems to have more in her. Could the eggs be fertile or would it be too long after mating if she was bred before I got her?
Also I'm not sure if it means anything, but she met a male about a month ago and reacted pretty badly, turning gray and hissing.
Anyway, is it possible for the eggs to be fertile and how to I tell if they are?
Also I'm not sure if it means anything, but she met a male about a month ago and reacted pretty badly, turning gray and hissing.
Anyway, is it possible for the eggs to be fertile and how to I tell if they are?