Chameleon unexpectedly died?


I got home from school and my mom told me zelda(my chameleon) was dead and so my mom said when I find out how it died she'll buy me a new male veiled chameleon. A couple days before she died she hasn't been eating and her eyes would always be closed. She also was a very light color and when I would spray her with water she would move but her eyes would still be closed and when she died she was on the ground of the vivarium. Please respond anything you might know why she died. She was also about only 3 months and I'd had her for like 1 month.
We can have no idea how or why your chameleon died with the information you provided. Please fill out the help form as requested. It maybe something in your set up that cause her to die, or it could have been something she already had when you got her if you did not own here for long. If you have any pictures you took of her before she passed, it would be helpful. Also, pics of the cage she was living in so we can can a visual of her set up.
We can have no idea how or why your chameleon died with the information you provided. Please fill out the help form as requested. It maybe something in your set up that cause her to die, or it could have been something she already had when you got her if you did not own here for long. If you have any pictures you took of her before she passed, it would be helpful. Also, pics of the cage she was living in so we can can a visual of her set up.
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