Chameleon seems off

I been seeing that my chameleon eyes are sunken in and has a bump on one of her eyes that won’t go away. I had taken her in so petco can observe her and they said she was doing good but her eyes were still sunken and had the bump on the other I bought some hornworms to feed her a bit to make sure her hydration is good which will get here in a couple of days but can someone help me please

Chameleon Info:

  • Your Chameleon - veiled chameleon , I believe it’s a female, and for the age I was not told how old it is. It’s been in my care for almost 2 months

  • Handling - I’ve been handling it a bit often due to its eye getting foggy so every morning I have to clean its eye

  • Feeding - I am feeding it crickets I had tried dubia roaches but she didn’t eat them. I give her from 9-12 a day. I try feeding her in the morning and in the afternoon. For gut loading the crickets I usely put fresh greens and fruit with a few carrots and a bit of high calcium cricket diet from flukers.

  • Supplements - I am using ZOO MED repti calcium without d3 every time I feed her and I use ZOO MED reptivite with d3. I feed her the calcium without d3 every feeding and the one with d3 twice a month which since I got her may fifth I give it to her 15 and 30 of every month.

  • Watering - I have a mistking and i have it turn on 2-3 times a day one in the morning another I’m the afternoon and one more time 30 mins after he lights turn off. I have seen her drink but it was a while.

  • Fecal Description - One of her recent dropping was mostly white and a bit or orange or yellow I can’t tell the difference color blinded. She hasn’t been tested for parasites that I know of.

  • History - N/A

Cage Info:

  • Cage Type - the cage she has is a screen cage with towel on the back and side so the water doesn’t hit the wall and to keep humidity a bit more but a good foot of the bottom of the cage is open for ventilation. The dimensions are 24”x24”x48”.

  • Lighting - zoo med, ho t5 uvb, 5.0% uvb t5. I turn it on at 8 and turn it off at 8. Also ik that this light is very strong and that I got the wrong one so I am going to order a new one.

  • Temperature - 72-75 for the rest of the cage but at the basking spot is like 83-85. At night temperatures are around 70-75. I measure it with the thermometer.

  • Humidity - it’s around 40% during the day and at night it’s 60%. I manage to keep it at those levels with the mister and cause of a live plant that’s in there. I have a digital hygrometer .

  • Plants - I have one big pothos plant and a bunch of small ones on branches so the soil keeps humidity in.

  • Placement - the cage is located in my room in a corner but I have a towel at the door of the cage so if there is people going in and out she doesn’t freak out also when I say towels I mean short small towels. The cage is 5ft from the floor to the top of the cage

  • Location - I am located in a dry little town it’s really hot here so we have the ac on sometimes but I make sure the ac doesn’t affect her.

Current Problem - her eye is kind looks big like swollen in a way I’m not sure how to describe it and I’ve been having to clean her eyes off since I got her every morning.

Chameleon Info:

  • Your Chameleon - veiled chameleon , I believe it’s a female, and for the age I was not told how old it is. It’s been in my care for almost 2 months

  • Handling - I’ve been handling it a bit often due to its eye getting foggy so every morning I have to clean its eye

  • Feeding - I am feeding it crickets I had tried dubia roaches but she didn’t eat them. I give her from 9-12 a day. I try feeding her in the morning and in the afternoon. For gut loading the crickets I usely put fresh greens and fruit with a few carrots and a bit of high calcium cricket diet from flukers.

  • Supplements - I am using ZOO MED repti calcium without d3 every time I feed her and I use ZOO MED reptivite with d3. I feed her the calcium without d3 every feeding and the one with d3 twice a month which since I got her may fifth I give it to her 15 and 30 of every month.

  • Watering - I have a mistking and i have it turn on 2-3 times a day one in the morning another I’m the afternoon and one more time 30 mins after he lights turn off. I have seen her drink but it was a while.

  • Fecal Description - One of her recent dropping was mostly white and a bit or orange or yellow I can’t tell the difference color blinded. She hasn’t been tested for parasites that I know of.

  • History - N/A

Cage Info:

  • Cage Type - the cage she has is a screen cage with towel on the back and side so the water doesn’t hit the wall and to keep humidity a bit more but a good foot of the bottom of the cage is open for ventilation. The dimensions are 24”x24”x48”.

  • Lighting - zoo med, ho t5 uvb, 5.0% uvb t5. I turn it on at 8 and turn it off at 8. Also ik that this light is very strong and that I got the wrong one so I am going to order a new one.

  • Temperature - 72-75 for the rest of the cage but at the basking spot is like 83-85. At night temperatures are around 70-75. I measure it with the thermometer.

  • Humidity - it’s around 40% during the day and at night it’s 60%. I manage to keep it at those levels with the mister and cause of a live plant that’s in there. I have a digital hygrometer .

  • Plants - I have one big pothos plant and a bunch of small ones on branches so the soil keeps humidity in.

  • Placement - the cage is located in my room in a corner but I have a towel at the door of the cage so if there is people going in and out she doesn’t freak out also when I say towels I mean short small towels. The cage is 5ft from the floor to the top of the cage

  • Location - I am located in a dry little town it’s really hot here so we have the ac on sometimes but I make sure the ac doesn’t affect her.

Current Problem - her eye is kind looks big like swollen in a way I’m not sure how to describe it and I’ve been having to clean her eyes off since I got her every morning.
Hi welcome to the forums! I’m sorry your having an eye issue with your chameleon! Can you provide some pictures of your chameleon? Specifically its eye and also some pictures of your enclosure from top to bottom, including the lights? While I wouldn’t be able to advise you, I know someone will definitely be able to help you and also it’s great you already filled out most of the information! I believe if you can provide pictures it will help further ☺️ good luck with your chameleon. @kinyonga @Beman @MissSkittles theres are just a few people I know that are very knowledgeable 💚
Hi welcome to the forums! I’m sorry your having an eye issue with your chameleon! Can you provide some pictures of your chameleon? Specifically its eye and also some pictures of your enclosure from top to bottom, including the lights? While I wouldn’t be able to advise you, I know someone will definitely be able to help you and also it’s great you already filled out most of the information! I believe if you can provide pictures it will help further ☺️ good luck with your chameleon. @kinyonga @Beman @MissSkittles theres are just a few people I know that are very knowledgeable 💚
Thank you so much
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Can you post a photo with your hand or something near her so I can see her size please. Also, how big are the crickets? My concern is that she might be producing eggs and the amount they are fed influences the number of eggs they produce and she can develop follicular stasis or egg binding and die If they are over fed constantly.

This is not necessarily related to the eye issue. I’m not a vet and can only give my best opinion.

Since you’re colour blind, ask someone who isn’t to tell you what colour the urates are please.
I agree that she needs a good reptile vet. That is not just going to clear up on its own.

I would remove the water fountain. These are not recommended because they get very dirty. You can use a dripper by easily using a plastic solo cup and pushing a few tiny pin holes in the bottom then set this on top of the cage over plants.

Are you misting her?
Can you post a photo with your hand or something near her so I can see her size please. Also, how big are the crickets? My concern is that she might be producing eggs and the amount they are fed influences the number of eggs they produce and she can develop follicular stasis or egg binding and die If they are over fed constantly.

This is not necessarily related to the eye issue. I’m not a vet and can only give my best opinion.

Since you’re colour blind, ask someone who isn’t to tell you what colour the urates are please.
Here is some photos IMG_6375.jpeg IMG_6374.jpeg IMG_6373.jpeg
I agree that she needs a good reptile vet. That is not just going to clear up on its own.

I would remove the water fountain. These are not recommended because they get very dirty. You can use a dripper by easily using a plastic solo cup and pushing a few tiny pin holes in the bottom then set this on top of the cage over plants.

Are you misting her?
I had a dropper but she hardly drank from it so that’s why I got the fountain and yes I do list her my mistking goes off 2-3 times a day
She looks like she could have eggs in her. I know you had a plant pot in your cage but she needs a proper lay in. Did she ever dig in the plant pot?
You should also be cutting back her feedings to one feeding every two or three days…and only 3 to 5 adult crickets or other insects of equal value per feeding….all dusted properly with the right supplements and fed/gut loaded with greens, veggies, etc. Don’t do it all at once…cut back over a period of a couple of weeks. Keep the basking temperature no higher than 80F as well.

This still has not likely got anything to do with the eyes. I would still see a good exotics chameleon vet about that. Most chameleon eye issues, even though they may look like dehydration is the cause are really caused by other things.
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