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i was just going to ask if the other door was open.. i guess i would just ask that everyone be careful where they step and whenever the move stuff.

if i were you i would section the room off (mentally) and comb through ONE spot at a time in a clear pattern so you dont miss anything. if you have to move any stands or dressers, do one at a time, look behind it, then move it back... i think ive heard of some people finding them in blankets/ laundry/towels so i guess that could be an option if you have a pile of close, gently remove one thing at a time and look it over.
i was just going to ask if the other door was open.. i guess i would just ask that everyone be careful where they step and whenever the move stuff.

if i were you i would section the room off (mentally) and comb through ONE spot at a time in a clear pattern so you dont miss anything. if you have to move any stands or dressers, do one at a time, look behind it, then move it back... i think ive heard of some people finding them in blankets/ laundry/towels so i guess that could be an option if you have a pile of close, gently remove one thing at a time and look it over.

Will do, thanks.

Its funnt to think that he's probably looking at me search franticly for him and thinking "Hahaha, what an idiot!"
Is he possibly under the bed? I have a lot of stuff under there. I wouldn't think so though because its not high up
I'd check there.. They dont necessarily go to the highest places. As a matter of fact, a lot of chameleons like medium height trees and shrubs.. It'd never hurt to check
Is he possibly under the bed? I have a lot of stuff under there. I wouldn't think so though because its not high up

clairs leaves her FR but never goes under the bed. i dont want to say no though. just look around. odds are your going to find him soon.
Im actually going to setup more than 1 foodbowl. Im going to put one on my desk, in my closet, and near the bookshelf. These are the areas where he could easily be in front of me without noticing. I will count how many go in in the bowl, and count them again tomorrow to see if he's eaten any. Hopefully from there I will have a lead on where he's at.
Everyone's gave you good tips on where to look. As you're looking move everything around very very lightly. You said he's 3 months old, wouldn't want him to get accidently crushed :eek: Good luck!
oh geez pilot, sorry to hear this. I hope you find your little guy soon! I'm sure he's doing what he does best hiding right in front of you lol..

man i really hope you find your lil guy pilot. i will be thinking about niles all night lol.
Hey try turning off all the lights in your room and putting one light over the bowl of worms make sure it's not to bright tho and sit in the darkness on your bed hold still I guess this is a good thing to do in the morning since all the chams I seen head towards light In the morning! Also realizeing he is tiny check closests to where he started from they usually get turned around alot when they are small. Would u mind sending me a pm when u find him I got a feeling it will be an interesting read :)
i left my cage open once. went to work and 8 hours later returned to nothing in the cage. took me about 30 mins to find him in my apartment. he was hiding over my curtains not really visible only reason i found him was cause i moved the curtains and saw his tail come down. lol goodluck
Ouchie, happens to just about all of us at one point I would guess. My Samson used to crawl out of his free range, I would always find him in back by my computer wires trying to climb up to my monitor. I think in the AM youll want to check the sunnier areas, perhaps he will move to bask if possible.
While I think you need to concentrate on your room (and it's not nearly as bad as I feared it might be...I have a 16 year old girl and had imagined her room), I'm going to say you do need to consider the rest of the house. Unless your door scrapes the carpet whenever it's opened (like....there's a noise of the door dragging on the carpet), a 3 month old veiled could get under it. I had a full grown Fischer's (okay, he was small, but bigger than a 3 month old veiled) get under a barrier with 1/2 inch clearance once.

So, make sure everyone in the house is on the lookout and, in particular, watch other pets. I wouldn't leave any other pets "free ranging" without a human in the room until you find your chameleon. But, also keep an eye on the other pets. We had a hamster escape and it was our chihuahua who found it.
oh geez pilot, sorry to hear this. I hope you find your little guy soon! I'm sure he's doing what he does best hiding right in front of you lol..

man i really hope you find your lil guy pilot. i will be thinking about niles all night lol.
Yeah I hope. Thanks, man.
Hey try turning off all the lights in your room and putting one light over the bowl of worms make sure it's not to bright tho and sit in the darkness on your bed hold still I guess this is a good thing to do in the morning since all the chams I seen head towards light In the morning! Also realizeing he is tiny check closests to where he started from they usually get turned around alot when they are small. Would u mind sending me a pm when u find him I got a feeling it will be an interesting read :)
Will do. I think it'll be interesting, too.
i left my cage open once. went to work and 8 hours later returned to nothing in the cage. took me about 30 mins to find him in my apartment. he was hiding over my curtains not really visible only reason i found him was cause i moved the curtains and saw his tail come down. lol goodluck
It was actually about 7-8 hours that I was gone. Except I still haven't found him, and its been 3 or 4 hours. I'm thinking in addition to the free range I set up, possible adding curtains near the windows.
Ouchie, happens to just about all of us at one point I would guess. My Samson used to crawl out of his free range, I would always find him in back by my computer wires trying to climb up to my monitor. I think in the AM youll want to check the sunnier areas, perhaps he will move to bask if possible.
I will do so for sure. His free range tree is actually right under my room lights as you can see in the video. Im hoping he'll bask there.
While I think you need to concentrate on your room (and it's not nearly as bad as I feared it might be...I have a 16 year old girl and had imagined her room), I'm going to say you do need to consider the rest of the house. Unless your door scrapes the carpet whenever it's opened (like....there's a noise of the door dragging on the carpet), a 3 month old veiled could get under it. I had a full grown Fischer's (okay, he was small, but bigger than a 3 month old veiled) get under a barrier with 1/2 inch clearance once.

So, make sure everyone in the house is on the lookout and, in particular, watch other pets. I wouldn't leave any other pets "free ranging" without a human in the room until you find your chameleon. But, also keep an eye on the other pets. We had a hamster escape and it was our chihuahua who found it.
Thank you for the advice. Unfortunatly I have a cat and a pug that free range. The pug is an idiot and I doubt he would do anything to him. The cat on the other hand worries me..... I REALLY hope I find him... this has me worried sick.
As many have already said, they are usually in the most obvious places, and most likely looking right at you, You could maybe make your room pitch black and try to shimmer your little mans eyes, highly unlikely it would work, but its a idea. There are days when i look in Lambeaus cage and absolutely dont see him, but he eventually gives up position
Thank you for the advice. Unfortunatly I have a cat and a pug that free range. The pug is an idiot and I doubt he would do anything to him. The cat on the other hand worries me..... I REALLY hope I find him... this has me worried sick.

Can they be contained in any way when humans aren't awake and on the premises? I'm sure the pug can (put it in its bed) but the cat is worrisome. Can it be outside when it can't be watched? I don't know where you live so don't know if that's appropriate. (I wouldn't suggest it here, we're right on a coyote filled canyon)

In one sense, they are your best detectives (even the pug!) but that's only cool if you're there to witness them discovering the little beasty.

I'm a pug person, by the way. I used to have 2 fawn pugs. Now I have a pug/boston terrier mix who's brindle.
I want to wish you luck! Maybe you can keep the cat in the bathroom with a towel under the door just until you find him. I have a pug also, mine has no interest in the chameleons.
Maybe I've been dealing with the pug/boston (aka: bug) too long...mine always finds interesting things and brings them to me. If he saw one of my chameleons on the floor, he'd positively wet himself in happiness before grabbing it and bringing it to me. I'd just have to hope he had a more gentle bit than his jaws suggest. (he routinely finds crickets and brings them to me so there's hope).
Can they be contained in any way when humans aren't awake and on the premises? I'm sure the pug can (put it in its bed) but the cat is worrisome. Can it be outside when it can't be watched? I don't know where you live so don't know if that's appropriate. (I wouldn't suggest it here, we're right on a coyote filled canyon)

In one sense, they are your best detectives (even the pug!) but that's only cool if you're there to witness them discovering the little beasty.

I'm a pug person, by the way. I used to have 2 fawn pugs. Now I have a pug/boston terrier mix who's brindle.
They can be contained. I will make sure to do so. I can't put the cat outside because that's a new world for her.

Since they indeed are the best detectives, maybe I'll put them in my room while I'm there. Hopefully I'll hear a little hiss.

Pugs are adorable. Such sweet dogs.

have you found him yet!?:eek:
No. :( I'm worried sick.
I want to wish you luck! Maybe you can keep the cat in the bathroom with a towel under the door just until you find him. I have a pug also, mine has no interest in the chameleons.

Thank you suzi. I will keep that in mind.

Well, I heard something and thought it was niles... It was an escaped cricket....
Pugs are the best.

I don't know that I would try both of them at once, unless you get another set of eyes in there. I think you want one human per hunter when you want to protect the prey. But I do think that bringing in either animal would probably help in finding your chameleon.

BTW and off topic, I applaud you for not putting your cat outside routinely. As noted, I live right on a canyon that has coyotes. We call a missing cat "coyote chow". Whenever anyone moves in we knock on their doors and make sure they know that in our neighborhood, cats need to be indoor pets. We've had neighbors walk their cats on leashes, which is great to see.
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