Cham Room setups, reptile rooms, feeder room picture thread


Established Member
Thought this would be a good idea..

I am a nerd for organizing my cham and feeder room, and I thought it would be a good idea to share pictures of how everyone has their rooms set up so that people can get ideas for how to organize their collections of chams and feeders. I hope this thread takes off, as I think it will be a great reference for new keepers trying to figure out how people who have been in the hobby for a while operate, especially those with larger operations and collections. If some SITE SPONSORS COULD POST, that would be AWESOME!!! I will post pictures of mine a little later.
I have only one chameleon for now ;) but i do have some female leopard geckos, 2 beardies, a corn snake, and a tomato frog. We also have a walk in closet off of this room that is filled with buggies(hissers, dubia, crickets, supers, mealworms) So although it's not fancy it's my own little reptile room. Some of these pictures are a little bit older so things have changed but they're basically all in the same spot with a few tanks added to the top shelf. Planning to have a much better reptile room whenever we actually decide to buy a house. My husband isn't such a fan of having this room but i love it!




I'm very curious to see the feeder set ups especially. With me having only 1 Cham (only reptile, period) it's a struggle with feeders.. Esp crickets since they die so quickly and nom on each other! :eek:
OK I tried to get pics, but its hard to get good ones.

Here is the cham room. I did a panorama, walls are not stripped it just looks that way due to the type of photo.

3 cages and two of the free range areas


Here is the third free range area next to my desk (I work from home)


Closet with curtain to hide bugs


Here is the inside of the closet with bugs, heated feeder rack (flex watt on dimmer switches) with dubias, red runners and an incubator for silk eggs. On the left is my screen cage for breeding hornwoms. Then a shelf above for containers of silks, horns, roaches, supers etc.


And here is another shelf with isopods, snails, supers etc.


I also have a mini frig that used to be for beer, but now holds horn and silk food, supplements and other bug related items. :)
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