Cham Likes to Be Sprayed?


New Member
My veiled has been showing some unusual behavior the last month, when I go to mist he starts hissing at me and gets dark, but if I start to spray him directly with water he turns bright green/blue.

Up until a month ago he HATED to have any water touch him, now it's the oppossite. Do you think he's lightening up cause he is happy to be sprayed, or what?
Mine are all different..... My female Veiled HATES being misted.. on or off her. She bolts quickly to the bottom center of her schefflera plant as soon as you come near her enclosure with bottle in hand.. As soon as its over, she comes up and drinks water, but hates the misting part of it. Her brother on the other hand loves being misted. He usually puts his tail/body toward the direction where the water is coming from, and just tuck his head behind a leaf, but he loves the getting a nice warm misting! The new baby, male Ambilobe.. he seems to really love it too, he turns very bright when we mist his enclosure, comes right out and starts drinking before we are event done. I think they all have really different personalities :)
My male changed his attitude to being sprayed at about that age too, maybe a month or 2 later. When I first misted it was with just a trigger sprayer, when he was about 4 months old I got a pressure pump one which I liked straight away, and he seemed less pissed off by too, lol.
Anyway, he never hissed at me much, but did a little more threatening me after he was moved into his adult cage. Shortly after that he decided he liked his mist showers quite a lot, and now often even comes to the door when I'm misting. He also gets lighter same story as yours really....I think he is enjoying them more because he is just more used to them, more comfortable with the whole thing.
My girl is getting better with it now too, actually - she goes much lighter when I mist her, but only if I'm hiding from her a bit.......she doesn't like eye contact a lot really, :)
My Jackson loooves to be sprayed and stands in the center of my mister and gulps water the whole time, its pretty awesome :) Being sprayed directly also helps them wash out their eyes, so even though my panther doesn't like being sprayed too much I will spray him occasionally. In any case, they get "misted", or rained on, in the wild anyways and there's not much they can do about it haha
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